Friday, February 16, 2024


 You are a coward!

This is for the individual who took it upon themself to tell a military veteran that his opinion just  doesn’t matter. Until sometime the night before last I had a flag hanging on my porch that voiced an unpopular opinion to some, when I woke up yesterday morning the flag that voiced my opinion that I honestly believed (evidently falsely)  I was entitled to as a citizen of this country was stolen. That opinion was simply that I believe that the maga party leader should spend a few years in prison for his actions while president. Please take note that I did not say or blame a true republican party member, because I know that even in this village there are some who still believe that there are more intelligent people out there who do not or have not bought into the idea that even an individual who served as president is above the law, even Richard Nixon new that was not the case when he accepted the pardon offered by his lackey Gerald Ford and that accepting a pardon is or should be considered an admission of guilt.

Now as a veteran of this nation's military services I swore an oath to “protect and defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies both foreign and domestic.” This includes the right to freedom of speech and expression. Since this right has been trampled on by you in my opinion you, sir or ma’am, are a coward! Because my opinion does not agree with yours does not automatically give you the right to trample on it. It is people like you who are tearing this once great nation apart, following your dear leader down a path of destruction. That is your choice, however, do not think for a second that by forcibly removing that flag from my front porch it puts me in fear of you, because if that is what you think then you are sorely mistaken, Since that flag was placed in position I have been telling people who pass by if they have problems with it then come on up and we can talk about it. Since whoever you are did this under cover of darkness it only confirms my opinion that you are a coward!

This nation was founded by people who believed in freedom from oppression (unless you were a person of color), despite the idea of all men being created equal is plainly stated in the Declaration of Independence, they proved that wrong then, and maga followers are still proving that same point to this very day by stealing my flag. The greatest threat to our republic is anyone who believes that their opinion matters more than anyone else's. As an individual whose belief is that all opinions matter equally, no matter how stupid you may think that opinion is, mine counts too. Had you been able to muster up the courage to ask me politely to take that flag down I would have asked you what communist nations flag you would like me to replace it with, because you, snowflake, obviously don’t believe in freedom of speech as it is guaranteed in the first amendment to our nation’s founding document.

So now I am left wondering what I should hang in place of the American flag that I was born, lived, served and fought under for many years of my life because obviously this is no longer America as I knew and served it! Upon leaving Independence Hall, according to some accounts, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government we were to have: a monarchy or a republic? To which he reportedly replied: A republic, if you can keep it! I have long held the belief that the only way this country can be torn down is from within, and in my humble opinion so did the founders of our country, and guess which way the maga party followers are headed? 

Now, I would like to thank those who have helped me to see that by being a patriot to the Constitution and not to some orange painted foolish individual I have become a true patriot of America and a traitor to your idea of America. Those who blindly followed the ravings of a fool to storm the houses of congress on 6 January 2001 WERE NOT PATRIOTS, rather, those who stood bravely in their path were. To the members of congress who claim that the members of the insurrection provoked by the maga party leader are not political hostages they are rightly convicted  and sentenced criminals, as I hope your dear leader will someday soon be as well. You have stolen a flag, but you HAVE NOT silenced me.

Don’t think for a second that because I have voiced this opinion that I am a member of any political party, I am not a subscriber to the republican or democratic beliefs, I am a free thinking, God believing independent voter who just happens to understand that blindly following any man is a foolish person’s idea. So take your moment of pride in stealing from an American citizen and enjoy it, but know this the idea lives on through me and other like minded individuals who don’t agree with the lies and bs of your dear leader.  You have not changed my mind and never will!

Have a nice day!

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