Friday, February 16, 2024


The new American Revolution:

The maga government v. People of the United States

When will it come to pass?

As with all of my essays this will be another opinion piece, only this time the potential for a reality check falls on the heads of all of us.

"If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin."

Samuel Adams letter to James Warren 24 October 1780 

This statement in a letter is vitally important to us today simply because that time may have finally come. The experienced patriots are not the ones who stormed the houses of congress on 6 January 2001, they are the ones who swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of the United states, it refers to the brave men and women of the capitol police, the DC metro police and others who stood their ground and did their level best to maintain law and order on that day, despite the actions of the blind followers of the fool who sent them.

Just because the then president decided that he did not lose a free and fair election and that he would do whatever it took to maintain his illusion of power did not make him right in his actions or words. All that did was prove that even supposed intelligent people can be made to believe the lies of someone bent on destroying the Republic, and recreate one of the two political parties in his own delusional self image. Sadly there are too many sheep who fail to see the path this foolish male has put not only them, but the rest of the American people on.

"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late."

Benjamin Franklin.

This quote is also very apropos to today's American, and is a very sad indictment of many. While it is true that we grow old too quickly sadly some do not get any wiser as they age. 

The proof of this is that there were and still are many people who continue to listen to and follow the words of a foolish man and former president who is following in the footsteps of the dictators from the past Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and the Kim's of North Korea  were and are not great men, they were ruthless dictators who destroyed anyone and anything that got in the way of possibly becoming what they thought they already were. None of them could unite everyone who lived under their cruel regimes. 

This person is also enamored of the modern "strongmen" such as Putin of Russia, Orban of Hungary, Xi of China, and the most recent of the Kim dynasty in North Korea. 

  • Lenin toppled a tyrannical czarist regime only to put in it's place one that provided a different view of what it meant to be "free" thereby enslaving the people of Russia to a different form of tyranny. Lenin's death toll of roughly 2 million is relatively small in comparison to those of the people who follow on this list.
  • Stalin killed millions of his own people including his military leadership to further his illusion of greatness, which almost lead to the downfall of his nation during WWII. The final count of the dead under Josef Stalin is somewhere around 9 million of his own nations people.
  • Hitler's killing of the 6 million Jews was just the tip of the iceberg of those killed who opposed him. The final toll including the genocide of the German Jews was estimated to be somewhere around 21 million people during his ruthless reign over the people of Germany and the other nations he subjugated.
  • Mao believed that his version of a communist government was vastly superior to the ruling regime of the Kuomintang, and in some ways it may have been, however, that idea is up for debate. At the end of World War 2. Under Mao the communist party took over leadership of the mainland in 1949 and subjugated the people of his nation. During the time he remained in power his policies are estimated to have killed between 40 and 80 million people through starvation, persecution, forced labor camps, and mass executions.
  • Kim Il Sung the leader and founder of the Kim dynasty in North Korea. under his leadership at the end of WWII in Asia the nation of Korea was divided at the 38th parallel with the north under his brand of totalitarian communism and the south under a democratic form of government. the lives lost under his rule was more comparable to that of Lenin in Russia, the estimated death count is presumed to be around 1.6 million, but could be as high as 3.5 million. 
And these are just a few of the people this individual admires. So do you still wonder why I am concerned about the way the "leadership" of this country is going under the maga party's dear leader. Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because you are a believer this will keep you safe, because it won't, even one small slip and you too could find yourself in the modern equivalent of a Nazi death camp, or lined up against a wall and shot. 

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "Every single historical moment is distinct from those past, however, we must learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them."

Ben Franklin once said "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety."

Sadly the wisdom it takes to see the truth in both of these statements seems to be lacking in the lives of many in our country today. Because it appears that many of us are willing to follow blindly someone who has no regard for history, freedom, the rule of law and perhaps even the sanctity of human life.

So I close with this question, do you see it yet?

I pray for peace, however, anything but peace is the reality.

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