Sunday, March 3, 2024

A few questions (and comments) for our world leaders.

How are you different from?

First of all I would like to preface this by saying that speaking truth to perceived power is not something I enjoy doing, but at times like this I feel it needs to be done to remind people of where we were as a world population opposed to where we are now. Not to mention how many steps backwards we have taken, and still are taking as a world population that supposedly seeks peace.

My first questions are for the Prime Minister of the nation of Israel Mr. Netanyahu:

Sir, do you remember, or have you learned anything from history? About 80 years ago your people were persecuted by a small minded man who sought to wipe a certain population group from the face of the earth. That man was Adolph Hitler, and that population group was the Jewish people of the nations in and around the country of Germany. This one man sought to destroy your people because of "racial" hatred.
My next question for you is, How are your actions now any different from those taken 80 years ago by another power hungry individual? What had happened prior to and has since the events of 7 October last year have not and did not happened in a vacuum. Your nation's persecution of the Palestinian populations of Gaza and the West Bank is no different than were his actions towards your ethnic group. The people of Gaza only seek to live, and punishing the civilian population because of their oppression by the Hamas militant group is only going to create larger issues for the nation of Israel. Need I remind you sir that the Islamic and the Jewish peoples are both the children of Abraham? Ishmael and Isaac were fathered by the same man. Please sir, for the love of God, STOP THE GENOCIDE!

Mr. Putin:

Sir as a national leader you in my opinion are as big or a bigger disgrace than anyone who has sought to rule the entire world, and this includes the same world leader who after he signed a non-aggression pact with your nation, and for no other reason than that he could, invaded anyway. Can you explain, how are your actions any better than those of Adolf Hitler? In truth the only difference is that you did not have a non-aggression pact with the nation of Ukraine, you just invaded to steal another nations sovereignty for what appears to be no other reason than you could. 

My second question for you sir comes in two parts: How many people are you willing to murder to satisfy your lust for blood, and will you stop with Ukraine or will you seek to destroy all the nations of Europe to satisfy your need for power? You have killed and/or imprisoned thousands inside your nation's borders, and recently you had your main political rival killed after many unsuccessful attempts to do so in the past. REST IN PEACE ALEXI NAVALNY. STOP THE CRUELTY!

Mr. Trump:

You sir are a small man with delusions of grandeur, your particular style of "leadership" is nothing short of tyrannical. The dictatorship you seek to establish here in America puts you on par with people such as Pol Pot of Cambodia, Josef Stalin of the then USSR, Adolph Hitler of Germany, and your main crush Vladimir Putin of Russia. To seat you again in an office that you did not then, and do not now or ever again deserve is absurd on it's face. The election that you claim was stolen from you was in fact NOT! We the people of the United States voted you out of office because we simply did not like your politics or the behavior you exhibited while in office.

Your stance on immigration is ludicrous at best and just downright stupid at the worst. If the truth were to be told, this country was founded by illegal immigrants. Where were the visas and passports of the white men who first landed on the shores of what was then a truly free nation? Oh, wait, they didn't exist back then. Neither did the idea of crimes against humanity, otherwise the Natives who already inhabited this continent would have had the right to sue the English for wiping out vast swaths of their populations, or the Americans who wrongly imprisoned them on reservations so they could rape the land for it's natural resources whether they were real of imagined.

Do you know what the original state motto was for the Commonwealth of Virginia? Allow me to enlighten you sir, it was Sic Semper Tyrannus, which is Latin for Thus always to tyrants. In my mind this applies to you, Mr Putin. Mr. Netanyahu, Mr. Kim and Mr. Xi as well. All of whom you seem to value more than you do the people of your own Country. Have you studied history enough to remember what happened to Benito Mussolini at the end of his reign of terror, or more recently to Saddam Hussein at the end of his? They were hung sir, by  their own countrymen, for their treatment of the citizenry, by their own citizens. STOP THE MADNESS!

And Finally to Mr. Biden:

While I applaud your efforts to support our nations allies, such as Ukraine, Taiwan, and NATO, you sir seem to have forgotten several populations that need our help and protection as well with the growing hostilities being shown by Israel towards the Palestinians, China's aggression against not just Taiwan but also the Philippine Islands, and Japan, and the potential for war again on the Korean peninsula, or again, the threat to Japan by North Korea. Don't you think they deserve our aid and support as well, boots on the ground is one thing but financial and military aid is necessary as well, wouldn't you agree? Please don't continue to support the genocide in Gaza by funding the murderers in Israel.
I realize you are handicapped by a hijacked political party that should be renamed the maga party, however, I believe you should be bringing this to the people whom you seek the support of in order to save, as you put it the "soul of America" don't you? You and the democrats have a better chance to gain full control of the house and senate in the coming election if, in my opinion, you hammer your opponents on their unrealistic beliefs and their lack of governing over the past three years of your leadership. 

I know that the individuals I have called out will probably never see this let alone read it, but I have the right to voice my opinion, whether popular of unpopular. 

In closing I would like to say to each and every one of you individuals make a change and do the right thing because it is the right thing to do for all the right reasons. Life comes down to choices and consequences, what kind of choices are you all willing to make, and what consequences are you willing to pay for making  the wrong choices?

Mr. President:

It is my hope that when, and I do sincerely hope it is when and not if, you have a congress that is under the control of those who believe in the Constitution, and not the whims of a foolish person, you will act more like Winston Churchill and not Neville Chamberlain. 

I wish you all Peace, however, I expect anything but that.

Friday, February 16, 2024


The new American Revolution:

The maga government v. People of the United States

When will it come to pass?

As with all of my essays this will be another opinion piece, only this time the potential for a reality check falls on the heads of all of us.

"If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin."

Samuel Adams letter to James Warren 24 October 1780 

This statement in a letter is vitally important to us today simply because that time may have finally come. The experienced patriots are not the ones who stormed the houses of congress on 6 January 2001, they are the ones who swore an oath to support and defend the constitution of the United states, it refers to the brave men and women of the capitol police, the DC metro police and others who stood their ground and did their level best to maintain law and order on that day, despite the actions of the blind followers of the fool who sent them.

Just because the then president decided that he did not lose a free and fair election and that he would do whatever it took to maintain his illusion of power did not make him right in his actions or words. All that did was prove that even supposed intelligent people can be made to believe the lies of someone bent on destroying the Republic, and recreate one of the two political parties in his own delusional self image. Sadly there are too many sheep who fail to see the path this foolish male has put not only them, but the rest of the American people on.

"Life's tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late."

Benjamin Franklin.

This quote is also very apropos to today's American, and is a very sad indictment of many. While it is true that we grow old too quickly sadly some do not get any wiser as they age. 

The proof of this is that there were and still are many people who continue to listen to and follow the words of a foolish man and former president who is following in the footsteps of the dictators from the past Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao and the Kim's of North Korea  were and are not great men, they were ruthless dictators who destroyed anyone and anything that got in the way of possibly becoming what they thought they already were. None of them could unite everyone who lived under their cruel regimes. 

This person is also enamored of the modern "strongmen" such as Putin of Russia, Orban of Hungary, Xi of China, and the most recent of the Kim dynasty in North Korea. 

  • Lenin toppled a tyrannical czarist regime only to put in it's place one that provided a different view of what it meant to be "free" thereby enslaving the people of Russia to a different form of tyranny. Lenin's death toll of roughly 2 million is relatively small in comparison to those of the people who follow on this list.
  • Stalin killed millions of his own people including his military leadership to further his illusion of greatness, which almost lead to the downfall of his nation during WWII. The final count of the dead under Josef Stalin is somewhere around 9 million of his own nations people.
  • Hitler's killing of the 6 million Jews was just the tip of the iceberg of those killed who opposed him. The final toll including the genocide of the German Jews was estimated to be somewhere around 21 million people during his ruthless reign over the people of Germany and the other nations he subjugated.
  • Mao believed that his version of a communist government was vastly superior to the ruling regime of the Kuomintang, and in some ways it may have been, however, that idea is up for debate. At the end of World War 2. Under Mao the communist party took over leadership of the mainland in 1949 and subjugated the people of his nation. During the time he remained in power his policies are estimated to have killed between 40 and 80 million people through starvation, persecution, forced labor camps, and mass executions.
  • Kim Il Sung the leader and founder of the Kim dynasty in North Korea. under his leadership at the end of WWII in Asia the nation of Korea was divided at the 38th parallel with the north under his brand of totalitarian communism and the south under a democratic form of government. the lives lost under his rule was more comparable to that of Lenin in Russia, the estimated death count is presumed to be around 1.6 million, but could be as high as 3.5 million. 
And these are just a few of the people this individual admires. So do you still wonder why I am concerned about the way the "leadership" of this country is going under the maga party's dear leader. Don't fool yourself into thinking that just because you are a believer this will keep you safe, because it won't, even one small slip and you too could find yourself in the modern equivalent of a Nazi death camp, or lined up against a wall and shot. 

Winston Churchill is quoted as saying "Every single historical moment is distinct from those past, however, we must learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating them."

Ben Franklin once said "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety."

Sadly the wisdom it takes to see the truth in both of these statements seems to be lacking in the lives of many in our country today. Because it appears that many of us are willing to follow blindly someone who has no regard for history, freedom, the rule of law and perhaps even the sanctity of human life.

So I close with this question, do you see it yet?

I pray for peace, however, anything but peace is the reality.


 You are a coward!

This is for the individual who took it upon themself to tell a military veteran that his opinion just  doesn’t matter. Until sometime the night before last I had a flag hanging on my porch that voiced an unpopular opinion to some, when I woke up yesterday morning the flag that voiced my opinion that I honestly believed (evidently falsely)  I was entitled to as a citizen of this country was stolen. That opinion was simply that I believe that the maga party leader should spend a few years in prison for his actions while president. Please take note that I did not say or blame a true republican party member, because I know that even in this village there are some who still believe that there are more intelligent people out there who do not or have not bought into the idea that even an individual who served as president is above the law, even Richard Nixon new that was not the case when he accepted the pardon offered by his lackey Gerald Ford and that accepting a pardon is or should be considered an admission of guilt.

Now as a veteran of this nation's military services I swore an oath to “protect and defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies both foreign and domestic.” This includes the right to freedom of speech and expression. Since this right has been trampled on by you in my opinion you, sir or ma’am, are a coward! Because my opinion does not agree with yours does not automatically give you the right to trample on it. It is people like you who are tearing this once great nation apart, following your dear leader down a path of destruction. That is your choice, however, do not think for a second that by forcibly removing that flag from my front porch it puts me in fear of you, because if that is what you think then you are sorely mistaken, Since that flag was placed in position I have been telling people who pass by if they have problems with it then come on up and we can talk about it. Since whoever you are did this under cover of darkness it only confirms my opinion that you are a coward!

This nation was founded by people who believed in freedom from oppression (unless you were a person of color), despite the idea of all men being created equal is plainly stated in the Declaration of Independence, they proved that wrong then, and maga followers are still proving that same point to this very day by stealing my flag. The greatest threat to our republic is anyone who believes that their opinion matters more than anyone else's. As an individual whose belief is that all opinions matter equally, no matter how stupid you may think that opinion is, mine counts too. Had you been able to muster up the courage to ask me politely to take that flag down I would have asked you what communist nations flag you would like me to replace it with, because you, snowflake, obviously don’t believe in freedom of speech as it is guaranteed in the first amendment to our nation’s founding document.

So now I am left wondering what I should hang in place of the American flag that I was born, lived, served and fought under for many years of my life because obviously this is no longer America as I knew and served it! Upon leaving Independence Hall, according to some accounts, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government we were to have: a monarchy or a republic? To which he reportedly replied: A republic, if you can keep it! I have long held the belief that the only way this country can be torn down is from within, and in my humble opinion so did the founders of our country, and guess which way the maga party followers are headed? 

Now, I would like to thank those who have helped me to see that by being a patriot to the Constitution and not to some orange painted foolish individual I have become a true patriot of America and a traitor to your idea of America. Those who blindly followed the ravings of a fool to storm the houses of congress on 6 January 2001 WERE NOT PATRIOTS, rather, those who stood bravely in their path were. To the members of congress who claim that the members of the insurrection provoked by the maga party leader are not political hostages they are rightly convicted  and sentenced criminals, as I hope your dear leader will someday soon be as well. You have stolen a flag, but you HAVE NOT silenced me.

Don’t think for a second that because I have voiced this opinion that I am a member of any political party, I am not a subscriber to the republican or democratic beliefs, I am a free thinking, God believing independent voter who just happens to understand that blindly following any man is a foolish person’s idea. So take your moment of pride in stealing from an American citizen and enjoy it, but know this the idea lives on through me and other like minded individuals who don’t agree with the lies and bs of your dear leader.  You have not changed my mind and never will!

Have a nice day!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Am I a Religious Man

What Do I Believe?

 Just in case anyone ever reads these essays I feel I need to clarify what I believe in. Now I know that there are those who will read these essays and say there is no way this person believes in God. Well, I am here to answer this and leave no doubt as to whether or not I have any religious convictions. This may run contrary to the beliefs of many, but this is what I hold dear when it comes to God.

And here we...go

First of all I have been dropping subtle hints throughout my previous posts that should have started you down the path to which particular religion I belong to. In truth though the hints I have left have been rather vague and possibly too obscure to notice unless you belong to the same religion.

1)    I believe in the Bible and the Bible only as to God's plan for the redemption of mankind.
John 3:16 tells us "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son , that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." KJ

2)    I believe in the Biblical Sabbath, that being Saturday. So I will attempt to show the flaws in the belief that Jesus was the one who changed the sabbath day not man, when in fact the reverse is the truth. 
After the original apostles died new ideas were being introduced to Christianity. At the council of Nicaea (circa AD 325) Roman emperor Constantine and the Catholic church established the first day of the week as the day of rest. 
        Church of Christ.

On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor, stating: All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun. This was done with the blessing of the the  Catholic church. 
        Catechism of Catholic Doctrine

The Spanish word for Saturday is Sabado. 

I ask/challenge any Bible Scholar to show me where in the Bible this was done with the counsel of  God or Jesus Christ. This was simply the work of man!

3)    I believe that God is the only being worthy of hearing our confession of sins committed by man, with the only intermediary being Jesus Christ who was infallible. 

4)    I believe in Baptism by immersion!

5)    I believe in being saved by grace, but still being under the law. Saved by grace through faith not works.

Now for the reveal:

What religion am I? 


I may not sound like it in my essays, but that is because I made a conscious decision in the not too distant past to return to the religion of my family after walking away because I lost faith in myself. I have always believed in God as my creator, Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and the Holy Spirit as the keeper of my conscious.

I am by no means the best Adventist, and in fact am probably down somewhere down near the bottom of the list. 

So now you know. Accept me religion and all or reject me outright, that choice is up to you and will in no way dissuade me from my religious beliefs. 

Thank you and God Bless. Peace.

I am not as well healed as I should be, however, the answer to the question is YES!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Quick Note: SCOTUS


I was just sitting and letting my mind wander, which some of my friends would tell you could be a very bad thing for those around me. 

Back to my thought:

    I have heard the regular cackle babblers on t.v. talking about who they think was responsible, and what their motivation was for leaking the draft decision on Roe v. Wade? Most of the usual suspects such as a popular t.v. host on the Fox News Network, Tucker Carlson, a senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, you remember him, he was the one who ran off to Cancun while his constituents were left without heat or water during a deep freeze in his home state, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and  far too many more to list without creating a brain aneurysm. All of whom have claimed that it must be some left wing twit, out to destroy America by breaking the "sanctity" of the supreme court. 

"Sanctity" this is no church, it is an institute of man, not God. Why should they be saved from the same scrutiny as the other two branches of government. The similarity between church and the court at any level is that the human overseeing the ceremonies presented before them puts himself in the same position and Pontius Pilate, sitting in judgement of others and leaving their fate up to the members of the jury. 

None of these people are God, or any of the Angels of heaven, just men and women like all of us!

But what if?:

    Now admittedly this thought is not completely my own, I have heard a few newscasters submit similar thoughts. 

What if the person who is responsible was someone seeking to make sure that the names already attached to the opinion would be "locked in" to this document in the future? 

Could this have actually been the purpose of the leak?  Or, was it the "radical left" seeking to undermine the integrity of the supreme court?

I have my suspicions, but I would like to hear yours. Remember to play nice, if you don't you get what you give.

Thank you and good night. Peace