Thursday, January 21, 2016


The Fallacy of Fools 

Okay boys and girls here we go again. 

Buckle up this one is going to hurt, but then again the truth usually does. Now here is the really funny part, what you are about to read comes from the mind of a man many of you would think could not exist. Why? well let me explain, to many people I have become their worst nightmare come true, I am a stoner who can think intelligently, form thoughts into words, take those words and make complete and coherent sentences, and use those sentences to put forward an essay such as this one to make a point.

For all you soft headed, turd sucking, walking mattress stains who think that words hurt and you need a "safe place" to keep from being hurt by all those mean words. Well the words I am about to use are definitely going to hurt your feelings so put your helmets on, stop shitting in your pull ups, and put your big people pants on and read this.

I don't hate you because you are not white. I don't hate you for what you believe. In fact I don't hate you at all. To tell you the truth, if I have never met you face to face, if I have never spoken with you in a moment of weakness in person, over the phone or on social media, if I have never served with you in the military, I don't think too much about you at all. It isn't because I am racist, it is because you and I must agree to disagree, and as such can hopefully someday come to reconcile our points of view, after all that is what we are supposed to be able to do right?

Let me now do my damnedest to dis-spell the myth of racism. Don't worry I will use small words so that you fuck sticks in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government can fully understand what I am saying.

Think about this: I don't care whether or not you believe in a God/Creator/Grand universal scheme that is up to you. But even the people in the scientific community, hope you fuckers can understand that, if you can't well they are the really smart people who have been studying the building blocks that go into what makes us similar as a species, that is specific group inside a race. Set aside skin tone, hair color/style, eye color and all of that other horse shit and actually THINK, you should hopefully be able to come down to one simple fucking irrefutable truth, we are all from the same, ONE, that is singular, race. Human!

My blood type may not be the same as yours, you may have more hair than me, you may be taller or shorter or what the fuck ever, there is only one race! Multiple ethnic and cultural systems, yes, but still only one fucking race. What keeps you simple minded people from realizing this is the narrowness of your own minds, which ironically is what keeps many from believing that there is intelligent life on Earth and Earth only because, well, the aliens simply won't talk to us. Now, look around yourselves and think, there is that word again, yes THINK, would you talk to a self important group of individuals who honestly believe that they are the be all and end all of intelligence if you had the choice? Bet down to the last one of you fucking idiots ruining this country you would all say no. Well guess what boys and girls, neither would they, and they aren't!

Now despite what some of you fucking wingnuts out there are thinking, I am not off of my meds, I have not escaped from a mental institution, funny farm for all you politicians out there who need a little assistance, I am just what I claimed to be at the beginning of this short essay a stoner who can, and does think. What I also am is seriously tired of hearing how racist someone is because they said something that doesn't jibe with what you believe! Accept the fact that some of us don't see things the same, but can still work together to improve relations between the different ethnic and cultural groups.

Have any of you fucks noticed that I have yet to bring up religion as a motivational hatred for racism? Here is why that is, religion is not "race" inspired and therefore not subject to the arguments of racism. Religion is a choice, skin tone and the like are not, and the only thing that separates us from one another is our prejudice or intolerance of others for whatever reason that we can come up with to make "racism" real.

Agree or disagree that is your choice, but until you see the absolute truth this world will forever be one step from imploding because of the massive quantities of stupidity being inflicted upon it by those who think they know better but don't. All I ask is for you people to start thinking for yourselves, check shit out for yourself. Use you brains for something other than to keep your ears from meeting in the middle.

Thank you and good night. Peace

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