Friday, July 17, 2015

Think what you want, then...

What I am

Please let just one more person tell me that what I think, feel, see happening, say or believe is wrong. Whether red, yellow, black, brown or white we are Americans first and foremost. Tacking on African, Asian, Hispanic or European followed by a hyphen only belittles and destroys what this country has stood for over the life of our republic. Yes we as a nation have had our ups and downs, and we are far from perfect, but we are one nation with what hopefully is one goal, survival as a nation.

What I am is a free thinker. I am neither one of the sheep who blindly follow and obey, nor am I the wolf who seeks to destroy the flock. What I am is an American Citizen who is a veteran of our armed forces, a sheepdog or protector if you prefer. I stand between the sheep and those who seek to destroy us, the wolves.

What I am is a white American male with Native American and other ethnic ancestry who believes in the existence of God.
And I am offended!
I am offended by the racists who insist that anyone who has a differing opinion and is of a different ancestral background or color is a racist. (RK) Keep in mind that racism isn’t just confined to white Americans; there are just as many black, Hispanic, and Asian racists as there are white.

 I am offended by those who think one flag is capable of killing while another is just “a piece of cloth.” (RK) A flag is representing the nation, state, county, or city it flies over. If you are offended by the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia then you have a problem with history and need to go back to school for the lessons you missed. That is assuming all the accurate textbooks haven’t been destroyed yet.

I am offended by people who feel I should somehow be held accountable for something that happened in this country 100 years before I was even born. I am not responsible for anything that my predecessors may or may not have done. I am proud to call myself a son of the south; whether or not I was actually born there I feel an attachment and anything else is irrelevant. Believe me when I say that the ancestors who fought on both sides in that war were not rich, those from the south were not slave owners, they fought simply because they believed in the states right to self determination.

I am offended by the individual who received an award for courage who doesn’t deserve such an award. We have all had enough of whatever it is. Face it people, just exactly how courageous is someone who gets breast implants because he wants to be a woman, yet at the same time is too cowardly to finish the job. Whatever your name is, if you want to be a man lose the girls, if you want to be a girl lose the worm and the boys. Make up your mind.

I am offended by people who feel I should not have the right to own a weapon to defend myself and my family if necessary. (RK) You can bet good money that there are five things that I will defend to my dying breath and they are: 1) My Country to include its Flag, right or wrong it is mine and I am proud to be an American. Let me catch someone stomping, burning, wiping their ass with it or doing anything else to defame it they will find their asses in trouble. 2) My God, and by this I also mean my faith. Whether you choose to believe or disbelieve in God by any name that is your problem not mine. Don’t deny me my freedom of religion it won’t work out well for someone. 3) My Family which includes my wife, my 3 step children, 8 grand children, 4 cats, whatever other animals we own and the brave men and women who serve this nation in its armed forces. These are my family members, hands off. 4) My guns. For those who have forgotten the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution that is the one that says it is okay for people to own guns. Again go back to school and take those history courses you missed. Make sure it is an American Government class focused on the Constitution. 5) My freedom. While this is last on the list it is of the most important. If you have the ability to reason this all out the first four lead up to this. Loss of my freedom means that I will no longer be able to defend the other things I hold dear. Good luck to the person who tries to deny me any of these things.

I am offended by those who feel a need to attack all religion due to the lack of their own beliefs. So what if you don’t believe in God, okay that is your choice; and good for you. Mine is to believe in God and the 1st amendment guarantees me the right to believe in any religion that I so choose.

I am offended by those who would force their own religion on others. (RK) I don’t force my religion on anyone and I would hope that the same respect will be shown to me by any believing and non-believing friends.

I am offended by those who would try to erase parts of our history because somehow things that took place centuries ago before they were born somehow cause them harm. (RK) Grow up! Times, attitudes, beliefs and people change; things evolve in one of two ways better or worse. Better means that people get along across color lines and whatever other barriers there are that divides us.  Worse is what we are headed for now as a nation if we don’t learn to cooperate with each other.

I am offended by those who feel a need to make color matter. (RK) We as humans need to see past the color of people’s skin. Look past the color, see the person for what they do, good or bad comes in all colors, jobs, and beliefs.

I am offended by those who feel a need to take actions to advance and support only one race while throwing a tantrum anytime someone takes action to support a different race and calling them racist while insisting they themselves are not. (RK) I have done my best not to call people out by name but in this case I feel it is appropriate. Anyone who has held the title of  “Grand Wizard” of the KKK Bill Wilkinson comes to mind off hand, Al Sharpton a Baptist minister, Louis Farrahkan leader of the Nation of Islam,  and another individual from the 1960’s and 1970’s named Charles Manson, of whom some of have probably never heard of. People of this ilk will continue to be thorns in the sides of those who seek to make things safer for the Americans who want to make this a better country.

I am offended by those who would try to control who people are allowed to marry. (RK) I don’t particularly care for the idea of same sex marriage, but that is not my issue; that is between them and their God if they believe in God at all. Let people fall in love with whomever they choose, opposite sex or not.

I am offended by those who are too stupid to admit that they are wrong. It is like my dad used to tell me if you fuck up, own up. Yes there is a price to pay for bad decisions and behavior, but we as people need to learn that our bad actions are no one’s fault but our own. It comes down to accountability and integrity, admit mistakes and do the right thing to correct it for the right reason.

I am offended by those who forget that MY America is a place where freedom is honored above all, those who would insist on having their own freedoms intact while they demand actions that are meant to limit another’s freedoms. Gun owners for years have heard that America needs gun control, wrong, gun control serves only those who buy their guns illegally. Registered owners of guns are not the problem; more crimes are committed with unregistered weapons. Speech, oh, come on! This politically correct bull shit is over the top, you can’t say this because it offends some group, and it seems that business owners can no longer refuse service to anyone for any reason. A couple who owned a bakery in Oregon was sued by a lesbian couple because the bakery, which was owned by Christians, refused to bake them a cake for their wedding. As business owners they should have the right to say no to whomever they choose. That used to be the way it was.

My friend’s youngest daughter was born ten days before his first deployment and I feel that his sentiments both as a father and a veteran are worth repeating here. “As a Soldier willing to defend my country and its people, and the freedoms they deserve. I chose this path because Freedom is the most important thing to me. When that beautiful child entered this world, I gave her the one thing that I hold most dear. I gave her Freedom, and one way or another she will always carry that reminder as her middle name.”

Thank you RK for affording me the opportunity to use your words in this rant. If not for men like you and the others we served with this country would not be as well off as we are. Fight the good fight and I hope to someday soon raise a pint in honor of the friends we have known and lost. Pro Patria my brother and God bless.

Thank you and good night. Peace


Please be proud of who you are, you have the right to be. Just remember that so does everyone else.

Just something to think about. Peace

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