Thursday, July 9, 2015


Enough Already!

            As citizens of this world, and especially this country over the past 6 years, we have become accustomed to governments pumping out thousands of tons of bull shit on an hourly basis, but enough is enough. Let’s reasonably discuss the latest round of fertilizer coming from the District of Columbia and elsewhere in our nation.

1.                 False Laws: Recently the Supreme Court decided that, despite the ideals put forth in the Constitution of the United States, gay marriage is legal and is a guaranteed freedom/right which was insured by that same document. I am sorry, but can someone please tell me where this is and then enlighten me as to how. Nowhere does the Constitution guarantee any rights for this, that I have ever seen. Nowhere in our Constitution is the Supreme Court granted the power to make or create legislation. Now should an amendment to the Constitution come into existence about gay marriage Then, and only then will I accept a ruling from that government body. Oh, wait all men are created equal, no matter whom they are or whom they love. What took them so long?

2.                 Close our borders! I read somewhere that if illegal immigrants aren’t doing anything wrong then there is no problem. EXCUSE ME! The word illegal by itself strongly decries wrong doing. Yet the current authority in the capital says it is ok. WHAT? Millions of people have legally come to America, become legal citizens, learn the English language, get jobs and pay taxes, yet, these same illegal immigrants get jobs, pay no taxes on their illegal earnings, get benefits such as food stamps, free health care, and financial assistance as well; while hard working Legal Americans of all colors and creeds go without. How is this fair?

Some in the state of Arizona are complaining that the height of the fence along the border is too high for these illegals to safely climb and that they may get hurt getting down. Is this a real problem? I say no! Extend that fence all along the border from the Pacific coast into the Gulf of Mexico at that same height, electrify the whole thing, that should slow them down some. Now that I think about it, illegal immigration started when the first white men set foot on the American continents. Why are we so pissed off about this?

3.                 History: The “Confederate” flag? 
It is time for your first history lesson
First let me point something out.

This is not the Confederate flag; this is the battle flag for the Army of Northern Virginia,

This is the flag that flew over the Confederate States of America capitol at the end of the war.
This is the last Confederate Flag if you want to be offended by the Confederate flag at least know what you are talking about.

The problem with the stars and bars is that it has been adopted and corrupted by the KKK and other hate groups, and the fact that these movements still draw attention is mind boggling. Especially when you consider the fact that an inanimate object has been used as and blamed for the outbreak of violence in many places. Don't blame the flag blame the people, use some common sense flags and guns in and of themselves are harmless, however, if you put either one them in the hands of someone with an agenda, whether for good or bad, then these items become what the individual using them wants them to be.
If you truly want to complain about this particular flag I suggest that you take a long hard look at American history. Our national standard, flag for those of you who don’t understand, came into existence in 1777 some 84 years prior to South Carolina seceding from the union and thus beginning the creation of the Confederate States of America.
NEWS FLASH for all of you geniuses, there was slavery in America while America was still British Colonies, not to mention after the creation of America as a self determining nation. If you studied or paid attention in your history classes in school maybe you would have learned that the first slaves in this country were called “indentured servants”, and guess what, they were whites who owed the families of our first immigrant’s money and worked for these families in order to pay off the debt.
Slavery was not, did not, and never will be just a white man owning a person of another color, creed, or whatever! Again, ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL no matter what!

4.                 Sexual & Racial identity: Who gives a rat ass about Bruce or Caitlin or whatever it is calling itself today, or the white woman who passed herself off as a person of color! I care about the honesty of our leadership; I would really like to see a political candidate speak the truth. Really people, honesty in politics is like truth in advertising, non-existent. We should all have the ability and common sense to realize that as long as our “leadership” is as divisive as it is along whatever lines are drawn there can be no cooperation on anything positive, especially when it comes to honesty. As we should already know you cannot legislate morality. It just doesn't work in a country with true freedom of choice.

5.                 Employment: Daily there are more people in this country who give up on finding a job that will provide a better situation for them and their families. I wonder why this is. Illegal immigrants? Maybe. Companies outsourcing jobs to other countries? Could be. Not enough foreign markets for exporting our national production to? Possibly. Let’s try looking at the real, lack of hope for all of the reasons listed above. Our military veterans serve this nation and are pretty much promised jobs upon re-entering the civilian work force through the supposed preference for hiring veterans. Veteran’s preference for hiring is pure bull shit. The practice of hiring veterans and them getting paid a decent living wage is good if the veteran is a retiree, veteran officer, or senior enlisted. The average enlisted man who served only 3 to 6 years doesn’t stand much of a chance outside the fast food industry for employment. There are homeless civilians, veterans and others who are sleeping in the street; this to me is just plain wrong, yet we see it on a regular basis in many places all across the country. Our government is doing little if anything to rectify this situation. Someday we as Americans will recognize the worth of all men, the question is when?

6.                 Fair Pay: What makes the people we elect and send to the district better and more deserving of pay that is higher than that fought and died for, and earned at a higher cost by our military forces who secure our freedoms? Individuals who play a game for a living make millions of dollars per year while our service members who protect our nation have all of their equipment made by the lowest bidder and get paid poorly on top of that. There is no such thing for women, or people of color whom are deemed to be of less worth, this is just plain wrong!

7.                 FREEDOMS: You remember those don’t you? We as Americans are having our freedoms eroded by the current administration. Freedom of speech is all well and good, but harmful speech is still free. People who advocate violence such as the KKK, American Nazi Party, White Pride organizations and the Black Panthers speak freely and nothing happens until it is too late. If things continue the way they are going we will not be able to believe in anything but science as far as a Supreme Being is concerned, religion will become extinct. We will only be able to speak using certain words thanks to this political correctness bullshit. Discipline for our children is becoming a joke, parents are afraid to correct their children for even the most minor infractions for fear of law enforcement or state involvement, so much for learning right and wrong. Where are your freedoms going, start watching the ultra rich!

8.                 The Blame Game: Blaming the victim for what happens to them is like saying that the “Confederate” flag is killing people. Come on people, it is time to grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Like my father used to tell me, “If you fuck up, own up and take responsibility for your actions.” Saying all cops are corrupt is a slippery slope argument at best. Yes there are some cops out there that should not be on the force, but when a black, white or whatever color person breaks the law and is subsequently killed by a law enforcement officer (LEO) who is attempting to arrest him/her, it is not the cops fault! Stop putting plaques in public places that are dedicated to dead criminals, face it, if he is dead because of illegal activity then he or she is no hero and does not deserve recognition for their actions unless it is on dumbest criminals or something like that. The flip side of  this is some of those killed by the local law enforcement officer were not involved in criminal activity at the time of their deaths.

9.                 Pride: By the way, when did it become a problem for whites to be proud of being who they are, what they are, or how they are? I am a very proud white man, deal with it. You don’t see organizations such as the National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People, the United Caucasian College Fund, Miss White America, or the other organizations of this ilk. Bet if just one organization like any of these listed above came into existence all hell would break loose, and screams of discrimination would come from the walls of every building in America. Why don’t we see whites up in arms about the NAAColoredP, UNCF, Miss Black America or anything divisive like this? All I want to be is proud of who I am, not blamed for all the wrongs in the world because of my skin tone.

10.            Hatred: This is not something that is limited to, or for whites only. Prejudice exists in the hearts of all mankind; it is a choice for each of us to go along with the ideal of hatred towards our fellow man. Look at the riots that have happened in America over the past year or more. WHY? Is it because some people just cannot stand to see the end result of bad/criminal behavior? Nope, what causes this is not being taught right from wrong. Last I knew God exhorted all of us to love our fellow man. 
          The 10 Commandments are a set of guidelines that should teach us how to treat our fellow man. Jesus later said in Mark 12:28-31  [The Greatest Commandment ] One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

11.            Gun Control? I will give up any guns I may or may not now own on the day they are outlawed around the world and every one of them is destroyed. I don’t think or even come close to believe that this will ever happen on this earth because as long as man exists there will be war and guns are needed to fight wars. Until then, well...still waiting! In gun free zones the only people without guns are those who abide by the law and don't want to defend themselves from the criminals who don't care about public safety.

12.            Equality: Fair treatment under the law for everyone no matter what color, religious beliefs, or ethnic origin. This is not anything new, corrupt politicians, CEOs of top companies and banks, Brokerage companies, sports stars and the like being acquitted of illegal activities while the poor of all colors and the underprivileged get wrung up for maximum years for minimal crimes such as marijuana possession or for something else just as insignificant.

13.            Taxes: Equal and fair taxes for every citizen. A flat % of income as a tax base would be nice, especially with no loopholes for the rich. You would be surprised how fast this country could be out of debt if a flat tax was approved. Why hasn’t this been done? This may sound a little slanted because I am in the upper echelons of the poverty level today, but here it comes; Too many rich people want to keep their money, while the poor have to give up theirs to fund this country. There are two classes in America now, the truly needy and the truly greedy. Debate that!

14.            Entitlements: Welfare of the financial kind is not and should not be considered an entitlement. If you need money get a job if you can find one, go stand on a street corner and panhandle for your money, at least then you will have done something to earn what money you have to your name. VA Disability, Social Security, and Medicare are entitlements that aren’t even entitlements exactly. These benefits are earned by working for them during your adult life.

15.            Cleansing History: This serves no one. Taking down flags, changing the narrative of what this country has overcome, digging up dead generals because of who they were 160 years ago. All this does is to eliminate some of the potential learning opportunities for our younger citizens. By cleansing our history we are only ensuring that somewhere in the future the same damn mistakes will be made again. "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it." The quote is most likely due to George Santayana, and in its original form it read, 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' Sound familiar? We already are in some ways, read history to figure out exactly how.

16.            Segregation: Yes it is wrong, but trying to legislate it away won’t work completely. If you work a minimum wage job then you are going to make minimum wage money. Will this allow you to keep a roof over your head? Yes. Will it be a nice one? Probably not. Why? Because you should only live where you can afford to live. If you want a better house, get a better paying job or a roommate. If you already have a roommate tell them to get a damn job and help out, if they aren’t already. Want to move to a better neighborhood? Move, but first make sure you can afford to make that move. I don’t care what color you are living beyond your means is stupid. If you live in an all one color neighborhood and want to change that do so. Don’t blame anyone if you are living in a house in an all one color neighborhood but haven’t done anything to change or improve that. In case you haven’t heard failure to rent a house or apartment to someone because of skin color, religious preference or other bull shit reason is wrong and ILLEGAL. The only reasons you can be denied for renting anything is poor credit, bad rental history, or you don’t make enough money. The problem is it isn't just a problem for blacks and other people of color, if you look real closely you should notice that this is happening to a lesser degree for all of the lower income bracket regardless of skin color.

17.            Slavery: My ancestors were not slave owners. Some were from the south others from the north. Lately the subject of paying reparations for slavery has become a thing again. If you feel you have been wronged because of slavery then I offer this as a settlement: Form a governmental department in charge of reparations/resettlement, offering free boat tickets to any person of color who would believes they are entitled to reparations for slavery. Pack up your shit, get on your boat and go back to where ever your ancestors came from. Problem solved. Slavery ended 150 years ago, it is time to grow up and get over what happened to your people a century and a half ago! You are here and have been all of your life no matter where your ancestors originated. Become an American finally. Oh wait, that would mean that you would have to accept the flaws of this country and its people from the past, present and those in the future. Guess that won’t happen either.
          The absurdity of the idea that any amount of financial recompense can make up for the most egregious acts of kidnapping ever to have been perpetrated upon a fellow human being. What, in my opinion should happen, People of all colors need to learn to accept each other for who they are and not what has happened to them at the hands of others. 

People complain about the legacy we/my generation will leave for our children. My generation is perhaps the last one that will fully understand what it is to work hard for what you have and earn what you get paid; simple respect between peers and respect for elders; discipline and self respect; honesty; accepting consequences for our actions. Unless something drastically changes in the near future the country I love and that many have fought for including me and still more who have died for America, will have been destroyed from within by those we freely elected to positions of power.

As long as there are hyphenated Americans this will be a divided nation. Face the facts people; we are all Americans no matter what our skin tone, religious preference, political alliances or ethnic background. This may offend some, but I really do not care, illegal immigrants or aliens if you prefer, are NOT Americans, they are citizens of whatever country they CAME FROM as they have not crossed our borders with the proper documentation, and as far as I am concerned only deserve a one way ticket back to wherever the hell it is that they came from to begin with.

For now we are ONE Nation, if the stupidity in this country continues there could be secession by multiple states dividing what was the greatest nation. The only way to solve this is to work together for improvement. I am willing to help fix the problems, but if I stand alone nothing will improve. Is there anyone else who cares?

Thank you and good night. Peace


Did you notice that I never once used the word race in any section until now? Do you know why? I will bet that you don’t. So here is why: There is only one race and that is human. If you take just one person from every ethnic group and break them down to their most basic chemicals you will find out that we each have the same basic chemistry. Every material found in my body will be found in yours as well; whether you are of African, Asian, European, or Pacific Islander we are all made from the same building blocks. WE ARE ALL HUMAN! Blood is blood and is able to be transfused from white to black to yellow to red to brown with only the need to make sure that the individuals receiving the blood from another is does the blood type match between the two. So all you people who despise or hate or whatever you want to describe how you feel about others who are of different colors need to realize that there is no real difference between us other than skin tone and beliefs. Get over yourselves!

Afterthought 2:

Our ancestors came here to the New World for a fresh start and dispossessed the natives of their land to make their lives (non-natives) better. If all men were truly created equal then where are they now? And why are they not living in communities instead of on reservations? For the record my family lineage has Native in it from two different tribes.

I make no apologies for what has been said in this commentary, if I have in any way offended your delicate sensibilities you can do several things about it.

First you can tell me about it; respectfully explain to me why you are offended.
2)  Second you can learn to ignore your feelings. I don' recommend this one.
3)  Third you can rant about your offended feelings and be ignored by me.
4)  Finally you can simply FUCK OFF; I don’t need your approval anyway. However, I would hope that we a civilized people can work out any differences between us. That is what this country is all about, or at least supposed to be.

I am done here, for now.

Just somethings to think about. Peace.

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