Declaring Freedom...
But for whom?
And from what?
Get comfy and buckle up boys and girls, this one is going to be long winded and probably hard for some to deal with. Don't expect an apology for it at the end; as usual I am calling it like I see it.
In the document that proclaimed America's "freedom" from the tyranny and oppression of England there was a statement made that was patently false! The statement reads as follows: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." On the surface this sounds good. However, if we are to believe this statement today, we must blind ourselves to the fact that our "guaranteed" rights are being stripped away, and that while some were free we lived in a society where there were those who were owned by others. This came in two different forms, some willingly sold their freedom and lived in a system of indentured servitude, while others were stolen from their homes in another country and brought, against their will to North America only to be sold into slavery against their will. Sadly there are those among us who are blind to this fact; and it appears that their numbers are growing by leaps and bounds.
Over 50 years ago when I first read these words as a child, and with the mind of a child, I made the mistake of taking them at face value, as the truth. The problem was that I should have taken them with a rather small grain of salt. You see, the problem became one of curiosity, and as I continued to study the history of America I saw them for what they are, pure propaganda; I realized just how wrong I had been! If these freedoms were indeed real there would have been no such thing as indentured servitude/slavery. Both of which were supposedly outlawed in 1865 with the passage of the 13th amendment to the constitution, which should have negated the need for the civil rights acts of 1866, 1875 and 1964. The free indigenous peoples of the continent would have been allowed to remain free and not imprisoned on reservations so that the white man could expand his "ownership" of the land. True equality would have been the law of the land, instead we find that we are no better than those who oppressed our forefathers.
Freedom in this country has always been, at best, an illusive dream, and at worst an outright LIE! So let's land somewhere in the middle and call it a myth shall we? When mankind was created by God we were given freedom of choice; and ever since then what we have worked the hardest of all to eliminate is that very right. We are blinded by our own perceptions of right and wrong, and this is leading us headlong onto a path of self destruction. Many of us have so limited our thinking down to "what is best for me", when the real question should be, "what is best for us". When we narrow our focus and are only concerned with our own well-being we lose sight of the fact that we are no better off today than we were under English rule.
In the world of today right and wrong, truth and lie seem to be determined by those who cannot actually distinguish the differences between them. Lies become truth when they are twisted in the minds of those that believe themselves to be more powerful than they truly are. To many this may come across as judgmental; however, from where I stand this is simply pointing out the facts of life in the modern world. Someone who considers themselves to be more important than they truly are says some-thing and because of their perception that they have "better" status and/or standing than the rest of us we take it as an absolute truth, when often times it isn't. I was taught and still believe that no man is any better than another no matter how much money they have, how expensive their toys are, or whatever they are trying to overcompensate for. The color of skin, amount of money in the bank or whatever other measuring stick you use doesn't make one man or woman better than another. What matters most is what you stand for and/or against. But first of all you must stand for something, otherwise you will fall for anything; and there are far too many of us who fall into the latter category.
In 2016 the individual we have once again chosen to lead this country made promises that were anything but real. He promised to close the border, yet undocumented immigrants still managed to enter the country. He promised to build an impenetrable wall to keep these same people out claiming that he would make Mexico pay for it, another false promise; because he did neither! He promised to drain the swamp that has become our nation's capital, oops, sorry, wrong again. He did make some promises that he managed to keep, he did lower taxes, but not for those of us who truly needed the relief. He also instituted a ban on immigration from Muslim nations, but otherwise what came out of his mouth during his campaign then was pure fiction.
In 2020 after losing his bid for re-election he falsely claimed that the election was rigged and there by stolen from him. More fertilizer for the farmers. He lost because more people voted against him than for him. What did he do in response to this loss, he rallied supporters and sent them streaming into the capital to overthrow a free and fair election, that he still claims to have won, despite knowing the truth! Yet there are those of us who voted this same pretender back to his throne of lies and deception. Look at the cast of characters he has chosen for his advisors, I wouldn't trust some of them with the recipe for instant mashed potatoes; and he wants them in positions of authority? Can anyone tell me on what planet does this make sense?
Bringing back an old statement which should have at least upset members of the military community; yet apparently did not sink in with enough of us, he referred to our brothers and sisters who have been killed in battle while serving our nation "losers and suckers". Where is the outrage this should have incurred from veterans, MoH recipients and their families? During his time in office he awarded the Medal of Honor 12 times, this award is the highest award earned for gallantry on the field of battle. Yet just a few short months ago when giving a speech about antisemitism he equated a civilian award that can be given simply by putting money in his pockets with the prestige of the MoH. In his remarks he is quoted as saying that the recipients of the Medal of Honor are "...either in very bad shape because they have been hit so many times by bullets or they're dead." This asinine statement was followed by another in which he falsely claimed that the medal of freedom was better because those who receive it are healthy and alive.
He has even asked a question that the answer to should be obvious, even to him, as well as to those who have served; "What was in it for them?" I cannot answer for them, but I will speak for myself and in defense of those who cannot answer for themselves. What was in it for us? The chance to do something with our lives that really matters, serving a purpose that is greater than ourselves, protecting our country from its enemies, defending the rights of our fellow citizens against oppression. Maybe, just maybe, had his daddy not bought off a doctor that wrote him a note saying that he had bone spurs in his feet to keep him out of the military during Vietnam he would understand. Instead he mocks and ridicules those of us who served and defended his ability to dodge the draft and be a coward! Just my opinion. Something that really irks me is the fact that his newest chosen second in command actually served in the military and has not spoken out against his stance against selfless service. It makes me wonder if he even knows what that is?
Just food for thought for the mentally starving.
With all the previous being said, there is one bright spot that most Christians are or at least should be aware of. With the great orange dear leader once again stepping into government leadership, we can be sure that the one true Savior of the world is coming soon. Trump will not and cannot save anyone or anything from the damage that will be done by his wild ideas of how tariffs actually work, or once again trying to stop immigration from south America and other 3rd world nations unless they may be of some sort of benefit to him and his own wealth. He has shown in the past that he cares for nothing or no one other than himself. So all of these rich people who are bending the knee to worship at the orange nozzle are going to find that their worship means nothing to him.
Good luck, we will all need it!
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