Thursday, November 7, 2024

Did you get your wish?

Think Critically, Speak Thoughtfully

Let Clarity Be Your Goal

Wishes may be best left unspoken!

 "The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."

Hans Hofmann

If you are a true student of history then you should be able to read the handwriting on the wall. If not, don't say that no one tried to warn you. For months now I have been speaking out about the possibility of damage that could be done by a return to office of the "dear leader". Well as of Tuesday this week that fear has been realized! You closed your eyes to the damage done during his first administration, now you will need to open them to the truth  of his second.

You falsely believed that he was the one who strengthened the economy. You sat back and watched a million of our fellow citizens die needlessly due to his mismanagement of the covid crisis; while he made a joke out of it and the people who were trying to save lives. He asked "What was in it for them" when speaking about the brave men and women who have died in service of something greater than themselves. He called the heroes who served our country "Losers and suckers" for sacrificing their well-being and their very lives for our country. 

The reality has become that those of us who have faithfully served our country, many of whom have died in that defense, have been left believing that we have wasted those years of service; the heroes who were awarded the nations highest honor for their service were stupid for serving and risking their lives for something greater. In his words the medal of freedom awarded by him to people for doing nothing more than putting money in his pockets at no personal risk to themselves is better than a medal for true heroism!

Now he says he wants generals like those who served Hitler. He may want to be careful what he wishes for, some of those gentlemen tried on numerous occasions to assassinate him! I guess he never paid attention on the days they studied WWII in his history classes! Watch and see the character of the people he will surround himself with in his next administration, there will be no safeguards to protect us from him. The time has come to ask yourself how safe you will feel under his leadership. Remember the names of Chairman Mao, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Kim Il Sung, and countless others who destroyed the lives of the people in their own country for their own benefit.

Feel free to keep your heads buried in the sand, just don't think that you are ever truly safe from attack. The minute he thinks that someone is a threat to his security he will turn on them. Mr. Vance, my advice to you would be to sleep with both eyes open, remember that you are next in line for his office, which will, or could eventually lead him to look at you as the first threat he faces, remember dictators don't like to "share" power. 

Sycophants of his such as Elon Musk, members of his own cabinet and Congress could also find themselves in the cross-hairs; quite literally. He has already called for the deaths of his political rivals, I don't believe he was speaking facetiously, and you probably shouldn't either. In the past two weeks he mused about nine guns being pointed at the head of Liz Cheney, for doing nothing but standing up for the Constitution, you do remember that document, right? It is the founding principle of this nation. I fear it may soon be rendered obsolete.

On 17 September 1787 a woman named Elizabeth Willing Powel approached Benjamin Franklin asking him "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" To Which Mr. Franklin replied "A republic, if you can keep it." The connotation of this statement is that maintaining our republic will require a level of vigilance and maintenance that is very difficult to maintain. If the next administration is anywhere near as toxic as Project 2025 suggests it will be, the death of America is certain. 

Should this prove to be the case, you cannot say that you weren't warned and each of you won't have anyone to blame but yourselves. I pity the choices that you made which brought you to these realities, but I will have no remorse for the consequences you may suffer as a result of them. These consequences will be suffered by everyone simply because of your shortsightedness. I will pray for you but by then I fear it may be too late to do any good. After all, he told you what he had planned; and you followed blindly along, believing that those consequences would be suffered by everyone else, just not you.

The tariffs he announced, those will reach into your pockets as well! You were warned. Nationwide abortion bans that will cost the lives of women with pregnancy complications will continue to happen. You were warned. Rounding up of "political enemies" could mean you. Don't say you weren't warned! Destruction of the Constitution, guess what? You were warned about that as well!

So in closing I say unto you, I hope you got everything you wished for, but you should have been more careful about it.

Food for thought, spread out for the mentally starving. Good luck, we are all going to need it. Peace is a dream fading into the mist.


Watch out for your friends and family members who run afoul of the designs of the dear leader. When they start to disappear and you don't know why look no farther than the man you voted for. 

Friends and family members, consider whether certain members of your family could quite possibly be more loyal to the dear leader than they are to their own families. Danger could be closer than you think. The reasons for these betrayals could be as simple as a difference of opinion about religion, or reality. Misinformation and disinformation are simply fancy words for lies! Close your eyes to these facts at your own peril.

Do you have friends, or perhaps family members in the LGBTQ+ community? If the dear leader has his way these people will begin to disappear, possibly even starting with the first transgender member of congress. Will that even bother you when it happens?

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