Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Supreme Court: Erosion of Trust

 Is it the Media or is it Self Inflicted?

Who is really at fault for the loss of faith?

Again? Why are there some justices serving on the highest court in the country crying in their post toasties about whose fault it is that they are losing the trust of the citizens of America? We have one justice Samuel Alito, who is blaming the media for this loss of trust. And, oh by the way, this same "man" is kicking his wife under the bus for flying an upside down flag at their primary residence, while at the same time flying a flag that reads "An appeal to heaven" at their summer beach house, both of these flags are associated with the January 6th insurrection.

How is it the fault of the media? They are only doing the jobs they are hired for, seeking the truth. Now granted there are networks who are kinder to them because of their similar sentiments about the politics of our nation. However, the court is supposedly "neutral", which by the looks of many of their recent decisions they are truly leaning towards the maga party and it's leaders.

The biggest example of this recently has been the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which was supposed to leave the decision of abortion in the hands of the states to decide. This, of course is not the way it is actually being done. A judge in Texas took a case which is seeking to do away with a safe medication that is used in many abortion cases. We sit a wait for a decision by the same court that said it was up to the states that could swing the case of abortion access back to the mid 19th century. 

Meanwhile back in the courtrooms of the country, the former president has been found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a one night stand with an adult film actress. Now we have the Speaker of the House decrying the idea that somehow Mr. Trump is above the rule of law. While we wait on a decision about whether this man somehow has some sort of magical immunity to prosecution simply  because he was president.

Every other branch of the government has transparency, let me ask this question. What puts the supreme court above this idea? Is it because of a feeling that they are themselves above the rule of law? What gave them this idea? I believe that in the cases of questions one and three the answer is simply self delusion. As for question two, it could be that they do feel they are the rule of law. However, the Constitution gives life to the fact that no man at any level of government is above the law. 

We fought the Revolutionary War to break away from a ruler who was above the rule of law. At no time has any King or Queen of England ever been held to account for actions that were or could have been against the rule of law. That is why America doesn't have a sovereign ruler, equity for criminal actions is, or should be the standard.

The media simply reports on the actions of the three branches of government, yet another benefit of the Constitution. Thanks to the first amendment to that document we are guaranteed freedom of speech or the press, assembly, religion, and to peaceably assemble. Taking a step aside for a minute, the actions taken by those who stormed the capitol building at the behest of the then president were not under any circumstances peaceably assembling. They were in fact participating in an insurrection. 

Back to the topic that started this all. One of my favorite things to do when someone blames others for their problems is to walk them down to a full length mirror and step out of the way telling them to take a long look at the root of all their problems. I would dearly love to take justices Alito, Roberts, and Thomas and have them participate in this exercise to give them a face to face look at the roots of their problems. Maybe, just maybe, one of the justices will humor an old man and perform this act in my stead. 

The end result, in my opinion is that the republican appointed justices themselves are the reason the country has little faith in them. Each one of them lied to the judiciary committee about the sanctity of precedent as it applied to long held rulings by previous Supreme Courts. This has led justice Thomas to suggest several other previous rulings that he would like to see come before the court for "reassessment". 

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