Friday, June 14, 2024

How bad is your memory?

 Remembering 6 January 2021:

For those who are suffering from "selective" memory loss, let me attempt to revive your forgetfulness. The former president's "rally" on the ellipse at the white house provoked a mob of his supporters to storm and overrun the houses of congress. Now I am hearing from some of the members of congress that there was no "real" harm to our government. Well to those individuals I have a few things I would like to inquire about.

  • To the members of the maga party who were assembled to conduct the nations business. if there was no threat to the members of your party because of what your dear leader unleashed, why was Josh Hawley running for his life? You were all safe from the wrath of your dear leader, Right?
  • Why did all of the videos of the halls of congress show each member of your party if not outright running at least jogging away from a situation that was not dangerous? Remember Josh Hawley doing his reenactment of the movie The Running Man?
  • Each and every one of you people had the opportunity to prevent anything like this from ever happening again! All it took was courage, which looking at the footage of that day from CSPAN showed that your level of courage fell vastly short. Why? Weren't these "your people", they sure were Trumps!
  • Whether out of dedication to your dear leader or fear of being targeted by "mean" tweets; each member of both houses had the opportunity to show the very courage of their convictions on that day. However, when the House of Representatives voted to impeach your dear leader and the articles of impeachment were presented to the Senate  you once again had an opportunity to redeem yourselves. And again, for whatever reason the vast majority of you cowards denied your courage and failed to hold your dear leader to account for his actions. What happened here?
  • What happened to the statements by both the ranking members of the maga party who clearly stated that the person who was without a doubt responsible was the then president. When did the courage of your convictions die?
Today, some three years, five months and nine days later each and everyone of you are still bending the knee to a man who was, by their own words, responsible. One who has been found to be a fraud as it applies not only to his foundation as well as his "university", and his business practices. Let us not forget he has also been found liable for defamation and sexual abuse. And more recently he got to hear the word guilty some 408 times after being convicted for falsifying business records in an attempt to buy his way into office by paying off an adult film actress for a one night stand. 

When will you people admit that this is not someone you should be genuflecting for. The way I see it the only one worthy of bending the knee to is Jesus. You can believe me when I say that the male member of society that you are devoted to is hardly worth it. How many more times of him putting your lives at risk will it take before you see the truth? In my opinion one more time is one time too many. He is less worthy of the office he is seeking to attain today than he was when he first ran in 2016. Please, just stop the insanity!

Just something to think about. Peace?


And for those of you who claim religion I have a few of questions;
  1. Do you honestly believe that this "man" has ever even opened a Bible?
  2. IF, and I say if because, I doubt that he ever did or will; do you suppose that he has read the Ten Commandments or the 51st Psalm?
  3. If you are truly Christians how can you support someone who clearly goes against everything we as Christians should stand for. How does this affect your conscience? It would bother mine to no end.
  4. Where are your morals? Mine are in outrage over what you people are doing for a man, or perhaps you would have wanted Jesus crucified too!
Honestly, I have serious doubts about anyone's religion who stands back and allows someone with his tendencies to claim to be like Jesus in any manner. So when you truly want to know who is to blame for the condition of what used to be the republican party, just take a walk into a room with a mirror, and take a good long look at the reason in that mirror. You have no one to blame but yourselves!

Good luck!

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