Sunday, June 16, 2024

Matthew 6:24

Man cannot serve two masters!

For the edification of my fellow man

I was wondering about the possibility of having two things that are supposedly of equal importance in the life of man, and just how well that would work out for that person. I knew there was a Bible verse that addressed this issue and felt impressed to seek it out. The text named in the title block has the answer to my question; so please bear with me for a moment as I attempt to unravel the meaning of this text.

According to Matthew 6:24 Jesus teaches that "No man can serve two masters: for he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." 

Now I ask you as the reader whether you are non believers or as my fellow believers in Christ, how would you interpret this simple statement. God is our heavenly creator, if you believe then this is quite clear. While the Bible defines mammon as "money, material wealth, or any entity that promises wealth, and is associated with the greedy pursuit of gain." It is my belief that this verse also speaks to trying to follow a fallible man, and an infallible God; one of whom is currently walking the earth and may believe that he is something he is not, or perhaps maybe he thinks he is more important than he actually is.

Now having addressed the particulars, lets get specific, shall we? I think I have made it quite clear that I believe in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and have made the choice to follow He who made all. To address those who don't believe in God, let me say this: If it turns out that you are right and I am wrong I have only wasted a short lifespan. However, if I am right and you are wrong then you have thrown away and eternal life with the one who loves us as His own children. John 3:16 tells us "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Yet as I look around I see the evidence foretold in the Bible of false Christs and false prophets who would/will appear. These humans have led so many of God's children astray that they have gone to their deaths in the belief that these people were who they claimed to be. Some of these leaders include: Ann Lee (1736-1784), Hong Xiuquan (1814-1864), Andre Matsoua (1899-1942), Sun Myung Moon (1920-2012), and David Koresh (1959-1993) just to name a few. As you can see this is not a uniquely American phenomenon.

As is the case in all things, and since I am only a man and therefore fallible, I don't expect you to take my word on these people who have claimed to be Christ returned, please feel free to look each of them up for yourselves. The last two were recent enough in history as to be somewhat easily recalled. Check them out none the less.

So lets us take up David Koresh, since he is the most recent person on the list and appears to be quite popular with one of our current political leaders.  His real name was Vernon Wayne Howell and Mr. Trump is so enamored of him that he even went so far as to hold his first political rally for the current election cycle in Waco, Texas. 

Now forgive me for wanting to point out the truth to you all, but, had this man actually been whom he claimed to be he would not have needed the weapons of this earth to protect and defend himself and his followers. I am sure that there were some of his followers who truly believed in God at one time. This is used as a means to point out that anyone can be fooled by someone who claims to that which he is not. I am by no means trying to say that these people were not intelligent, what I am trying to say is that some people are so in need of hope that they will cling to any promise of it.

Now some of you may be asking what this has to do with following two masters? Allow me to explain. The true followers of God can, or at least should be able to discern between Christ returned and the false Christs that have and will continue to appear. The evidence of the differences is clear, the Bible states that when Jesus does return He will not set foot upon the earth that has been so corrupted by man. Each of the people listed above have done this and have not been able to follow the example put forth in the Bible that Jesus will call His people to meet Him in the air. His coming will be an audible one that it is so loud it will raise the sleeping saints, not one that is only for a select few. His return will be a visible one that "every eye shall see Him" not just some here and there. Jesus is able to call fire down from heaven, I ask you have any of the other returned "Christs" been able to do any of these things that will mark the real return? The answer to this question is an unequivocal NO! 

Do you honestly believe that you can serve a fallible human being and still be a true follower of Gods at the same time? The choice is to love the one and despise the other. If you believe and follow God then you will rebuke people like Mr. Trump. If you choose to follow in the ways of the man then, at least in my mind, you are disavowing God. It is up to you to make what is a life changing decision about who you will follow. Will you serve a man who puts his demands forward as false doctrine? Or will you choose to follow the Commandments of God which were written in stone and cannot be changed? So for those of you who think that you can successfully serve two masters I would suggest that you find your Bibles and reread the text cited in the title block.

As for me, I have chosen to serve the Lord. The rest is up to you.

Just something to think about. Peace?


If you will actually take the time to read this essay and then devote time to think about it, it is my hope that I will have helped you to clarify some things in your minds. However, if it has no effect on you and what you think or feel then I am sorry. All I can say is that I tried to open your eyes to truth. If you continue to follow this person then you have in essence joined a populist cult as did the followers of Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Pol Pot and the previously mentioned David Koresh. Just remember how things ended for each of these individuals, if my memory serves me correctly none of them had a particularly happy ending to their lives.

Good Luck, I fear that you will need it.


  1. Many people want to sit on the fence on who to serve. Two masters, eternal life vs eternal death, there is no grey area here. God is calling each of us to make a choice. God accepts us through his invitation, whereas Satan takes us through intimidation.

  2. Gods' laws are eternal. Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus says I came to fulfill the law not abolish it. It is man who has taken Gods eternal law and changed it. Jesus goes on to say in Matthew 5, That anyone who breaks on of these commandments, and teaches man so will be least in the kingdom of heaven.
