Monday, June 10, 2024

Suckers and Losers?

Were those who served suckers or losers?

I only speak, as usual, for myself. I don't expect anyone to take my word for anything, I am just a man. I realize that in order for people to trust me they must first fact check me. For that to happen, you, as the reader, actually have to read my words and look into them with an honest heart and an open mind. 

Life was never meant to be easy for anyone, yet there are those who have more money than their fifth generation grandchildren could still ever hope to spend. I am in no way complaining about my situation in life, I am comfortable with what I have, which is everything that I need to live my life as God intends.

I have served my country with two different generations of soldiers. First from 1979 until 1982 on active duty, which branch is not important. I was proud to have served during the cold war with some of the first generation to have volunteered for duty. We as a nation were just coming out of the era of the draft and the Vietnam war. This war still cast a negative shadow over the military, and not at the fault of the soldiers who served or were serving. I knew then, when I raised my right hand and swore the oath of a soldier that I was signing a blank check to the citizens of America that was payable at any time with a cost potentially being my life. Did I feel like a sucker then, my answer is a resolute NO!

I believe that very few of the soldiers that served then during a time of war wanted to put their lives on the line. Yet, each and every one of them who did stood up not just for themselves, but for their brothers and sisters in arms. You cannot defend your country without potentially putting your life on the line at some point. Don't be mistaken, each one of us who then as volunteers knew there was the chance that we could find ourselves in combat at any time.

The closest I came to combat duty was when I was serving in Korea. For those who don't know, that war has never truly ended, it is still in cease fire. Some 60 years on from the end of the combat operations there is the chance that active combat operations could break out at any time. The soldiers who are on duty today on the peninsula understand this and I believe that they too don't want the war to begin anew on their watch.

I would be willing to bet the sum total of every push-up I ever did, every one of the first generation of those brave men and women volunteers was in their own way hoping against serving in combat. I can say for a fact that I didn't want to go to war. To be honest the idea of exchanging thoughts and ideologies through gunfire was not something I wanted to do. Fortunately for us at that time it was not necessary. 

After I left active duty there were a couple of minor skirmishes that came up while I was serving in the reserves. As a reservist, there is always the chance of being called to active duty, small though it may be. If my unit had been called up I would have gone simply because it was my duty to do so. I took my oath as seriously for the reserves as I did while on active military duty. After all, I was still in service to my country, however, to a somewhat lesser degree. 

My next foray into the active duty world came some 11 years later when I once again volunteered for active duty, this time at the age of 36. Once again, and for the fourth time overall I raised my right hand swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. Nowhere in that oath is there a sentence that says a soldier is doing his duty in service to the president, congress, or the supreme court. We as soldiers served the country, the citizens, our friends, neighbors and even those we disagree with.

During basic combat training I was asked by one of the drill sergeants,"why at my age would I willingly sign my name to a service contract?" My honest answer was that I believe it was the right thing to do. I still to this day hold that belief. My final three years on active duty were between the years of 1999 and 2002. If you were alive then, you know what events took place, if you weren't, study history!

I was sitting in my office when the first plane hit the north tower of the twin towers. Someone came in from the mess hall and told me what had happened. I found a television to bring into the office and turned it on to the local channel just in time to see the second plane crash into the south tower. I remember calling my wife and telling her to get to the community center and see if they were watching the news. I gave her a basic idea of what was happening and told her I love her before hanging up.

I heard that the former president commented that he didn't understand why someone would voluntarily serve their country. Well, I cannot speak for others, but as for me, it is the right thing to do, as I said before. Someone has to stand up to defend this country and it's citizens from the danger close. We step into the breach to protect and defend our countrymen. Not for glory or honor, simply because someone needs to do it. If not us, who? So each of us who have served has understood on some level that while peace is our dream, war is always a possibility that we may have to deal with. And as a result a life changing or ending event can take place. 

I do not now, nor have I ever considered myself to be a hero, I had a job to do. My only hope was that I would offer my life for a grateful nation. All I have asked from my fellow Americans was that they would be the kind of citizen that made the sacrifices made by all of us worth it. Are we suckers and losers? I think not, however, there is a man who got out of the draft by claiming to have bone spurs.

The members of the "greatest generation" would have laughed at this excuse for dodging military service. Some served while being under age, others who went to enlist or were drafted were denied service, many of whom took their own lives because they were denied the honor of serving their country.

So, what makes a person want to serve their country? Knowing that the cost may be permanent injury or perhaps even death. To that question I offer this simple response. LOVE! 

In the Bible Jesus teaches that "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. If Mr. Trump had any idea that the answer to his question was in the Bible do you think he would have opened it to read? I don't believe so.

And as for those veterans who are willing to lay down their lives for this man over their country, the very one they once swore an oath to defend I have this to say. You have forsaken your oath for a man who will not appreciate your sacrifice on his behalf, you will just be a sucker or loser for his lost cause.

Just something to think about. Peace?

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