Saturday, June 1, 2024

National Pride

 Banana Republics

So, if all it takes to become a "Banana Republic" is holding a former national leader to account for their past criminal actions whether in or out of office, then I guess America has just joined a list of the other developed nations to do the same thing.

Here is a long list of nations who have also held their leaders to account for their criminal actions.

  • Argentina: Held their former Vice President Cristina Fernandes de Kirchner to account by convicting her of a billion dollar fraud case. She was sentenced to 6 years in prison.
  • Brazil: Found Inacio Lula da Silva their incumbent president was found guilty of corruption. 
  • Egypt: Hosni Mubarek, their former dictator and his two sons were convicted and sentenced to three years in prison for embezzling state funds.
  • France: Jacques Chirac President from 1995 to 2007 received a suspended two year jail sentence after being convicted of corruption.
  • France, again: Nicolas Sarkozy, Chiracs successor was sentenced to three years for bribing a judge with a job to gain access to confidential information a different trial.
  • Israel: Former President Moshe Katsav, received a 7 year sentence in 2011 for raping an aid while he was a minister and sexually harrassing two women while president.
  • Israel, again Ehud Olmert Prime minister from 2006 to 2009 was sentenced to 27 months for fraud in 2016.
  • Israel, and again: is currently on trial on charges of fraud, bribery, and breach of trust. The trial continues.
  • Italy: Their four time Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was found guilty in 2013 of paying for sex.
  • Pakistan: Their former Prime Minister Imram Khan is currently jailed on convictions of corruption and leaking government secrets. And Just like convict Trump, he is complaining that the charges were politically motivated.
  • Peru: Former President Alberto Fujimori was released from prison last December after serving more than 15 years for human rights violations, other charges included bribery, embezzlement, and sanctioning the killing and kidnapping of anti-government guerrilla forces.
  • South Korea: Lee Myung-bak was sentenced to 17 years for bribery and embezzlement. Pardoned in 2022 by the current president.
  • South Korea, again: Park Geun-hye who took over as president from President Lee in 2013 was impeached in 2017 and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for bribery and coercion, she was also pardoned in 2021.
  • Taiwan: President Chen Shui-bian was sentenced to life in prison in 2009 for embezzlement, money laundering, and bribery.
  • Thailand: Prime Minister Thaskin Shinawatra was convicted in absentia of abuse of power.
So now America has a convict for an ex-president his name is Donald J. Trump and suddenly we have become a "banana republic' because, supposedly only a banana republic would convict a former national leader. Sorry Maga party, but your dear leader was legitimately found guilty of election interference for what basically boils down to paying for sex and then covering it up.

In case you people in the Republican party have forgotten even Richard Nixon knew that he was not above the law, which is why he accepted the pardon from his lackey Gerald Ford. Despite later appearing on David Frost's television show and falsely saying "If the president does it, it isn't illegal. Accepting a pardon in and of itself is an admission of guilt! So if your dear leader tries to pardon himself if, God forbid, he ever gets back into office then he is in essence admitting guilt.

Accept the fact that he was fairly tried and convicted and is awaiting sentence, and all of you red tie commandos who showed up to worship your dear leader and profess his goodness out right lied to the citizens of America and should do the honorable thing and resign your offices and let a legitimate leader do his job. And in my opinion the first one to resign should be Tommy Tuberville, who should never have gotten elected in the first place, he wasn't any good as a college football coach. What the hell is he doing in a political office? 

Someone explain this to Tommy, he looks dumber that Mortimer Snerd.

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