Friday, May 31, 2024

Revisiting the fallacy of racism

Restating what I thought should be obvious!

I have addressed this issue once before, yet I feel it is time to bring it back to the minds of my fellow citizens. Science has proven what God has ordained! The existence of man as a singular species is evidenced by a number of irrefutable facts. We as a group have all the same chromosomes, no matter what skin color a person has we all have the same building blocks, the proof of this is used in the science of medicine on a daily basis around the world. Organ transplants and blood transfusions are possible between the different ethnic groups if the blood types are matched between donor and recipient. How does color matter here?

Now to simplify this for those who are challenged by cognitive dissonance if you are a white man and have the same blood type as an Asian female the blood in your body can be used to save their life making the reverse true as well. The organs of a Hispanic female can be transferred safely to a person of African descent provided the blood types are a match. This is only possible if we are all of the same race. Well, fasten your seat belt snowflake because I have a revelation for you, WE ARE!

Show me where in the words of the King James Bible it says anything about mankind being of differing races. Humans are mentioned as being of different "nations, kindred, tongues and peoples." In my mind these words are defined as a Nation meaning the country of a persons origin such as Ethiopia or Argentina. Kindred equals the various ethnic groups such as the Hmong of the nation of Vietnam. Tongues addresses the languages spoken by the ethnic groups, you know like Spanish, French or German all of which can be heard right here in America and peoples are the cultures that make up the various societal groups of the different nations such as the Basque and Spanish in Spain. 

If mankind were made up of different races tell me why we are all so similar. My biggest problem with the idea of racism is the thought that because one persons skin tone is different than another's it somehow makes one group "better" than another. There is no "master race" if that were true Germany would the be rulers of the world.

The biggest dividing factor is the fallacy that we are not all created equal. No ones skin color makes them better or worse than anyone else. It is only the hubris of man that leads him to believe in the fallacy that is racism. It doesn't or at least it shouldn't take a PhD to understand this concept, it really isn't all that difficult. If I could figure this out by the age of eight years old then surely it isn't hard. Then again, I did grow up inside a cultural group that allowed me to appreciate the differences of and the similarities to each other. 

I was a military brat, and as such I never knew a day that I wasn't exposed to people of multiple backgrounds. To be honest the only group of people I wasn't exposed to were those who had more money than they would ever truly need to live. I had friends of all different nations, kindred, tongues and peoples; and the only thing I couldn't understand was why my friends weren't openly accepted by those outside the military framework. I spent my youth wondering why people would judge people simply by the color of their skin and not by the quality of their character? I still think about this obviously, or I wouldn't be writing this now.

60+ years old and I still don't get it. People were up in arms when Barack Obama was elected president, why? Simply because he was a black man? Some of the smartest and most accepting people I have ever met were of different ethnic backgrounds. That is not to say there is no "racism" in other cultures, to deny this is to deny reality. I once heard a black man who, when he found out his daughter had gotten married while she was overseas serving her country say "the only thing I hope is that she married a black man." Can anyone tell me why that should matter?

People fall in love with whomever their heart leads them to. My first wife was Korean. One of my nephews married a Filipino woman, his sister married a man of Hispanic descent. When my brother was asked how he felt about his son marrying a Filipino woman his response was "why should that matter my daughter married a Spaniard!" Another nephew married a woman of African descent. Color is not or should not be a determining factor in who you love or marry.

So to all of you who think that mixing the bloods of two different "races" is a sin I would suggest you revisit your Bibles and see the truth of God's words about the race issue that you have.

Just something to think about. Peace

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