Monday, June 3, 2024

Documents of America Part 2

The Constitution

In 1776, the founding fathers could no longer tolerate the gross injustices of King George the III, deciding that it was time for the colonies to be free from this oppression. after the conclusion of the Revolutionary War there was a flirtation of government under the Articles of Confederation as the first form of national leadership which were first adopted in Congress in November of 1777.

This left the powers of the federal government as weak as they would ever be. By granting more power to the several states this did not allow for the creation of a revenue stream to fund the workings of the government at the federal level. Treaties could be negotiated with foreign powers, however, before these treaties could be enacted they had to be approved by all of the states, congress would not secure the obedience of the states to the treaty itself. Also lacking was the ability of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce. Instead leaving this important business up to the states themselves, almost certainly guarantying the downfall of this first form of government in 1781.

It took the members of the Congress until 1789 to develop a document that each of the states could agree on. That document is the current Constitution of the United States. Understanding that I am by no means a Constitutional scholar. And, granted it has been many years since I last read it, I still seem to understand that there are absolutely no grounds for the wide sweeping immunity for whatever crimes committed by any employee of the federal government no matter what level they are involved in. 

Joseph J. Ellis quipped "The American constitution is a document designed by geniuses to be eventually interpreted by idiots”. The evidence and relevance of this  has never been clearer than it is today. It lays out in elegant detail the foundation of our republic in a manner that when a person reads it, it seems to be so simple that even a complete idiot should be able to understand it, yet, here we are. The Supreme Court is the body of our government that is supposed to interpret this amazing document, yet the majority of its members seem incapable of comprehending that it is not their place or duty to create legislation based on whatever misguided opinions that are offered by some of those very same justices. 

When this nation was founded it was because the citizens of the then American colonies were tired of being ruled over by a king who was deemed to be above the laws of England. The framers of the Constitution realized this and made it clear that no citizen was above the law no matter what position of prominence they held, whether it be president, representative, senator or even a justice of the supreme court. All men are subject to the exact same set of laws that makes up the American justice system! However, we are in a situation now where it seems they want to create  new and dangerous legislation that says otherwise, all because of one man.

Now for those of you who believe wholeheartedly in your dear leader I have a suggestion for you, read history, pay attention to the words he is saying. What you say the democrats are doing is exactly what your dear leader wants to do. Can you say DOUBLE STANDARD? Somehow I don't even think you understand what that phrase actually means. Read the Constitution, it may just help you see just how misguided you intellectually challenged individuals truly are. 

Every time he says "if they can do this to me, they can do it to you too" he is saying something profoundly backwards. If they can do it to the common citizen criminals they should be able to do it to him as well. No one is above the law, even Richard Nixon knew and understood that, why do you think he accepted the pardon from his self chosen lackey who followed him in to an office he was never elected into? My father instilled in me the idea that if you do something wrong, own up to your mistake and pay the penalty for it. 

We stand at a the point where if we let the political leaders get away with their criminal activity our country is walking the narrow line that can trip us into an existential crisis as a nation. Get over yourselves and see where you are dragging us by following this fool. If you don't, then you are part of the problem not a solution for the continuation of the democratic experiment that is or soon to be was, America.

Just something to think about. Peace?

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