Wednesday, June 5, 2024

MAGA's new favorite game


Round 1?

Over the past few weeks we have all been watching the maga party's dear leader on trial in a New York courtroom. Over the course of this trial we have seen a multitude of the members of congress make the pilgrimage to the court room to engage in what seems likely to be their new favorite game, swallow the leader. Each of them giving voice to some of the same statements that would have run their hero afoul of the judges gag order during the trial. This game has also been adopted by his base of supporters as well, why? Well, because they can want to play too. 

Let me be clear, you are all either blind, or just straight up foolish in this pursuit. Here is why I believe this. Following is a list of evidence for the creation of this game.

  • When his sad attempt to become relevant through a waste of airtime on "reality" television, for which he didn't win an Emmy, (why he felt he should have still eludes me) he claimed that the awards system was rigged against him. 
  • If he hadn't won the 2016 election he had already been planning to claim that this election was also rigged. To be fair here, he lost the popular election, but because of the electoral college system, he managed to capture the office for four years.
  • When his party lost control of the houses of congress in the 2018 election he again claimed that the election was rigged.
  • He lost a free and fair election in his bid to retain power in 2020, and after losing every case he sent through the court system in several states and also including the Supreme Court, which he packed with three judges of his choosing, once again, he claimed that the election  results were rigged against him.
  • In 2022, during the second midterm election he felt he needed to be involved in, the vast majority of candidates he picked were defeated either in state primary elections or in the general election. Can you guess why? That's right, they too were rigged, according to their dear leader.
  • In the New York trial, in which he was tried for election fraud in the covering up of hush money payments made to a former adult film actress, he was found guilty on all 34 counts. His immediate reaction was to run to the cameras and microphones outside of the courtroom to claim that, you got it, without any proof mind you, the trial was rigged against him.
  • In the upcoming election, he has already begun to plant the seeds of doubt in the electoral process, and his followers are once again swallowing it up. He has said that the election process will once again be rigged in favor of his failure to regain office.
Have you noticed the pattern that has formed here? Throughout his life he was led to believe that he could not under any circumstances lose. Where this false belief system began, or why it started is beyond me. But as my father made clear to me at a young age, if you don't get what you want, it isn't always because you didn't try hard enough, sometimes it is because you simply don't deserve it. After the 2020 election it was clear to the majority of Americans the maga party's dear leader simply didn't deserve four more years in office.

Despite the statement made by one of his own election integrity officials that this was the most free and fair elections in American history, he still refuses to accept the fact that he is a loser. Still, he has managed to either brainwash, the weak minded, or fully convince and entire political party that he has been treated unfairly. His party has overused the word unprecedented in the last eight years. Granted, the fact that he is the first president to be tried in a court of law and convicted for criminal activity is, in fact unprecedented. However, this is only because Richard Nixon's hand picked successor issued him a pardon denying the citizens of America a trial which more than likely would have found him guilty By the way, he accepted the pardon and this is in and of itself an admission of guilt on the part of Nixon.

Now, onto the proof that his followers in the House of Representatives are playing this newly created game with great gusto. Monday a committee meeting was held where Dr. Anthony Fauci was summarily stripped of his medical degree by the biggest idiot on the committee and one of the dear leaders favorite followers Moscow Marjorie Taylor-Greene, aka the capitol hill Karen. Despite this Dr. Fauci held his ground and maintained his medical degree against those who believe that he withheld or misrepresented facts about the covid-19 pandemic which began towards the end of the former president's time in office.

Yesterday in another HoR committee meeting Attorney General Merrick Garland was attacked by Representative Matt Gaetz (R. Florida), among others, with false claims that one former Department of Justice employee was sent to New York to participate in the recent trial against the dear leader. AG Garland made it clear that this former DoJ employee had previously left employment in the DoJ before applying for a job with the District Attorney's office in Manhattan. 

Mr. Gaetz is the same representative which had previously been investigated by the Department of Justice for sex trafficking and having sex with a minor, neither of which charges was he brought to trial for. This committee, by the way, is the sub-committee set up to investigate the "weaponization of the DoJ" for targeting republicans. 

Lets address this false claim shall we?

What lays bare this claim to the targeting of only republicans is that fact that the current Departments active trial of Senator Robert Menendez (D. NJ), Representative Henry Cuellar (D. Texas) is under indictment for bribery, money laundering, not to mention working on behalf of a foreign government, and then you have the sitting presidents own son Hunter Biden in Delaware for illegally owning a firearm while being addicted to drugs, and awaiting charges of failure to pay taxes. I have to mention that the special council who investigated this started some 5 years ago,  and was appointed during the former presidents term of office.  

So, the false idea put forward by the republican house of representatives that the DoJ is only "going after" republicans in general, and the former president specifically, is perhaps the most purely ignorant of all the claims to come out of congress since former Speaker Kevin McCarthy created the sub-committee on the weaponization of the Department of Justice. 

Recently, the current Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson (R. Louisiana) suggested that the Supreme Court should become involved immediately and overturn the decision of the New York courts decision, claiming that he is a friend of several justices and that they are concerned about the legality of this trial. The Supreme Court is having enough trouble saving any similarity to credibility that their many recent decisions. Especially since they made the determination to overturn the Roe v Wade decision which legalized abortion some 50 years ago.

So now we just sit and wait to see if there is a round two. My bet is that there will definitely be at least one more to come. This one may possibly come from somewhere in the supreme court. Only time will tell. 

Just something to think about. Peace?


The maga party's dear leader is still a convicted felon no matter what, at least until the appeals courts in New York make their final decisions. You do you snowflake, and continue to turn a blind eye to the wolf at the front door.

Good luck...

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