Wednesday, June 5, 2024

MAGA's new favorite game


Round 2

That didn't take long!

Less than 24 hours after I posted round one, while watching the news, and for once I was watching channels that I normally wouldn't watch. I was expecting something like this, and well, I guess that is why I wasn't surprised. What happens when you expect ignorant people to begin spouting stupid statements about what needs to happen if their dear leader is elected? An alternate and cruel reality? Retribution is one thing but this goes way farther than that, this is pure vengeance. And vengeance is best left to God, man only gets in the way. Statements about locking up people who were only doing the jobs they were elected to do, persecutions are or shouldn't be the way things get settled, yet here we are. 

Their dear leader was found guilty of criminal actions that he took to essentially buy his way into an office that he had no need to be in. And no idea of how to properly handle the duties it entailed. He did this not because he was afraid his wife would find out rather, he did this to keep his chance of getting into office alive by hiding it from the voting public. Obviously a jury of his peers thought this was not just questionable but highly illegal as well. Otherwise they wouldn't have found him guilty on all 34 of the counts brought against him. To be clear, I would expect this in a facist country such as  1930's Nazi Germany, but here in a democratic Republic, it comes as a bit of a surprise, which it should.

Where oh where do I start the rest of this entry?

How about in the state of Florida with a judge appointed by the dear leader, Judge Aileen Cannon. She has done everything the former president has asked of her, and from the looks of it, she still is. Her latest effort to keep her thumb firmly pressed on the scales of justice is bringing in outside parties to argue whether the special counsel Jack Smith's appointment by attorney general Merrick Garland was constitutional. Now, to be honest she has allowed both sides to bring in others, with the scale tipped towards the person who appointed her. I can guess which way this will go and what will be the reaction by the federal government when or if it does. And yet, you who are the swallowers of the massive amounts of bs of your dear leader puts out believe that the trial in New York was rigged. How warped is your sense of the idea and value of right and wrong?

Next, lets move on to someone I have mentioned before. Rep. Mike Johnson (R. Louisiana), his idea of a three pronged attack on those who are supposedly persecuting his dear leader is just ludicrous. If the former president hadn't committed so many criminal acts, and Mr. Johnson had the sense he used to graduate law school, he would know that what he is proposing is dangerous for the rule of law. 

My question has become; does he even care where he is helping to drag this country? Probably not! However, there are those of us who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States who actually take it seriously.

I am sure that upon entering the office of representative he swore a similar oath. It would appear that he cares more about supporting a man and not the document that is responsible for the existence of the nation he is helping to destroy. Not to mention that he is ignoring his "allegiance" to the God he says he believes in to serve a man who doesn't deserve it.

Members of the houses of congress who follow the dear leader stand at the ready to come to the aid of a man who has no regard for them, except to get everything he can out of them. Should they find themselves in legal peril for some unforeseen illegal actions taken on his behalf,  they should count on no help from the man that they have sworn that they will protect at all costs. How stupid are you supposedly intelligent people? This reaches all the way to the supreme court, or at least the majority of the legal professionals appointed to the court. Are you in service to a man or to the country? Just asking.

The various hosts on the many right wing propaganda networks have for some reason taken up the hew and cry of those who should know better. Chief among these is Sean Hannity, who has turned his back on the country in favor of a man trying to tear it apart. 

Long ago in the era that I grew up news anchors tried there best to present the news in a manner that had no spin. Today, they serve a twisted master who seeks destruction and chaos, and they do so with such glee and pride. And as providers of propaganda they are doing a better job than Pravda and Tass ever did in the Soviet Union, and Joseph Goebels in Nazi Germany. 

In contrast, back then the truth was told accurately for the most part. There were those who saw the Vietnam anti-war protesters and would use derisive terms such as hippies and cowards. And to use a term that has become popular today, would throw shade about how their protests were going to tear the fabric of American society apart. Instead they bought into the lie of the then president Richard Nixon who was the hero of the current dear leader. We survived that, but I wonder if we as a nation will survive this. Somehow I doubt it!

Granted I was young at the time, and the son of a professional soldier, yet I still understood that the war we were involved in was somehow wrong. I was also aware that the soldiers, including my father, were only doing the job they were sworn to do by following the orders of the officers appointed above them, not because they wanted to, at least for the most part, but because they were expected to.

Now I am much older, but I see and understand that this is very different and, it is even more dangerous than the ideas of the hippies and protesters of my youth. Fortunately, there are more than the three major networks and PBS that we had in the 60's and 70's. So now we can get more than one side of the story, however the sides are slanted so differently, that it can be tough to watch sometimes. Especially when both sides are so completely different. One values the nation more than the other, I will leave that right here for you to figure out which one is which.

For those who have served their country in the military, and have come out in support of the dear leader, vowing to take up arms in his defense, I would like to remind each of you that you swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; congratulations you have just become what you swore to defend against. You are now a domestic enemy, and as such have become a traitor to your oath. As has every member of congress whether representative or senator, not to mention the members of the court who are defending a man. And some of you are preaching treason charges against those who don't agree with you: let me remind you that things work both ways.

Will there be a round 3? Probably and sooner than one should hope. However, If there is I won't be commenting on it because it is like screaming in a hurricane, no one hears it, and if anyone does, they don't care.

Just something to think about. so I guess peace is no longer an option for any of you.


I don't hate you because of what you believe neither do I hate you for neglecting and rejecting what is, or should be most important for salvation. In truth I feel sorry for you because of the wasted time, effort and energy you have spent to save a man who cannot be saved by man, only God can help him. But hey, you do you snowflake, and continue to refuse to listen to the still small voice inside warning you of the danger close.

Good luck...

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