Sunday, May 22, 2022

Quick Note: SCOTUS


I was just sitting and letting my mind wander, which some of my friends would tell you could be a very bad thing for those around me. 

Back to my thought:

    I have heard the regular cackle babblers on t.v. talking about who they think was responsible, and what their motivation was for leaking the draft decision on Roe v. Wade? Most of the usual suspects such as a popular t.v. host on the Fox News Network, Tucker Carlson, a senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, you remember him, he was the one who ran off to Cancun while his constituents were left without heat or water during a deep freeze in his home state, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida and  far too many more to list without creating a brain aneurysm. All of whom have claimed that it must be some left wing twit, out to destroy America by breaking the "sanctity" of the supreme court. 

"Sanctity" this is no church, it is an institute of man, not God. Why should they be saved from the same scrutiny as the other two branches of government. The similarity between church and the court at any level is that the human overseeing the ceremonies presented before them puts himself in the same position and Pontius Pilate, sitting in judgement of others and leaving their fate up to the members of the jury. 

None of these people are God, or any of the Angels of heaven, just men and women like all of us!

But what if?:

    Now admittedly this thought is not completely my own, I have heard a few newscasters submit similar thoughts. 

What if the person who is responsible was someone seeking to make sure that the names already attached to the opinion would be "locked in" to this document in the future? 

Could this have actually been the purpose of the leak?  Or, was it the "radical left" seeking to undermine the integrity of the supreme court?

I have my suspicions, but I would like to hear yours. Remember to play nice, if you don't you get what you give.

Thank you and good night. Peace

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