Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I believe

Before I begin this particular post I would like to say that these are meant to clarify what I believe is most important to me and may be important to someone else. I provide no proof or evidence of fact in these statements simply because these are the things I hold dear to my heart and make me who I am. Some of my friends who know me personally will attest to the fact that I say what I think and believe what I say because I have done my research well enough to be convinced that what I believe is RIGHT for me!

Having said that let's begin, shall we!

I believe that there is a God who created everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell. In my humble opinion there is enough evidence in this world to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this simple statement is true. But that conclusion is my choice, and I in no way am trying to sell my beliefs to anyone else.

I believe in the preservation of the family by the best means possible. Not every family is meant to stay together as a functioning unit, but if both elders of the family maintain respect for and to one another then harmony should follow. 

I believe that the children born into a family that cannot, for whatever reason, abide together should never hear the parents speak ill of one another. Any opinions formed by the children of the estranged parents should be entirely formed on their own. And both parents should respect the children enough to accept and respect these opinions.

I believe that if enough effort is put forth by those who wish to become involved in our human events peaceful resolution of differences can be achieved. This means setting aside differences based solely on skin color, native language, ethnic differences, and religious beliefs. 

I believe that while anarchy in moderation without threats to life, liberty and the overall well-being of their fellow citizens could be a good thing to refresh beliefs and the spirits of all concerned. Yes I know that anarchy is usually defined as violence simply for the sake of violence itself, this is not the absolute ideal of anarchy. 

Anarchy according to Merriam-Webster's dictionary can be defined as "a Utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government." This tells me that anarchy can be achieved through peaceful means, albeit that there will always be those that seek their own ends by any means necessary and unfortunately this will mean the use of violent force by those who seek the undoing of the society as a whole.

I believe that we all need to "fight" for what we believe in and that the methods we may choose to use in this struggle are entirely up to the individuals who become involved. As for me, well, my methods are words and will remain such until actions are called for by the forces aligning to overtake common sense and freedom. I prefer peace, but if the time comes for actions my words will take a back seat.

I believe that there are those who actively seek out the truth, however, as history has shown us in many ways, that governments do not believe that the citizens of the nation need to know what the truth is. Life is difficult enough without being kept in the darkness because of the inaction, indifference or lack of integrity on their part. Seek the truth and hold it close

I believe that peace is the ideal of the majority of the citizens of the world, and that the governments of the many nations are the primary enemy of that peace, whether it is for their own gains either personal, political or financial. The sovereignty of any nation is upheld by that nations citizenry not the government which "rules" that nation..

I believe in the oath I swore way back in my early years of service to my country in the Army, that oath states in part that "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies foreign and domestic." In other words I support THE DOCUMENT which founded our republic not the government which seeks to destroy our republic from within. For me, this oath has no expiration date, and as always I speak only for myself, but I believe that many of my fellow veterans would feel the same way.

I believe in the people of this nation and their inherent and unalienable rights. Should the citizens of what used to be the greatest nation on the planet, choose to throw off the shackles imposed upon us by our "leadership" anything is truly possible. This includes but is not limited to freedom and security. The flip to this is that each man and woman needs to be willing to defend their liberty in order to preserve their security. As Benjamin Franklin once said "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." You all should know who this man is, or at least that is my hope, but if you don't, look him up online or in an encyclopedia.

I believe that America can be made great again. However, not, and I repeat NOT by either or any political candidate currently running or any who may run in whatever future is allowed to us. For America to be great it takes a collective effort by EVERYONE in this country. As citizens it would behoove us to look past skin color, ethnic diversity, and any cultural boundaries that separate each human from others. Life and living are hard enough, and the civil rights struggle which should have begun after the denunciation of slavery as an official policy or the citizenry didn't and would not start for another 100 years.

The segregation created by those whom believed that they had the right to "own" another human being lasted until the 1960's. This despite the opening sentence of the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, a document which was written nearly 90 years prior by a man named Thomas Jefferson: "We hold the truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Right, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The struggle did not truly gain momentum until people such as Martin Luther King Jr., Medgar Evers, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Malcolm X. And yet the struggle for equality continues.

I believe that each of us can and should work together for the betterment of each and every one of us. but that takes each of us learning to trust in others. Not an easy task I know, but a necessary one for the survival of us as both individuals and as a nation as a whole.

I believe that no matter what I say you will all need to make up your own minds about what I have said here and whatever I may be allowed to say in the future. That is your right and I hope you take advantage of it. Hopefully this doesn't just fall on deaf ears or an illiterate reader, or worse yet someone who seeks to destroy what has been built by the blood of the patriots who have fallen in the many battles fought to protect and defend our republic as well as the freedoms of others around the world. Freedom does not come free and each one of us needs to be vigilant in the protection of the rights of all of us. Especially since it seems that today our "leadership" is seeking to destroy the very rights that are protected by our founding document.

I believe that Samuel Adams said it best in the following quote: "If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of it's experienced patriots to prevent it's ruin." While I also believe that this statement applies in part to those of us who have served in uniform, it can also be applied to those who continue to believe in America. I hope this applies to you the reader, whomever you may be.

Thank you and good night. Peace

Life in these United States has become more and more difficult especially since our elected officials are doing everything and anything possible to sell us out as a nation. I believe in the citizens of this republic, as I said previously, conversely I do not believe in what our government is doing, supposedly in our name and for our sake. 

Believe me when I say that until I am silenced I will continue to think freely and for myself. I will continue to speak out against what I believe is wrong, not just here but wherever I see that changes are needed. I wish that there were more who would stand up for others and I hope that there are some out there who will read this and have their emotions and thoughts stirred, only time will tell.

Just something to think about. Peace

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