Sunday, August 11, 2024

You know what you know, or do you?

 Fake it till you make it!

Does this work for you?

"So follow me down, And just fake it if you're out of direction, Fake it if you don't belong here, fake it if feel like affection"


Over the course of my life I have made the statement "I may not agree with what you have to say or believe, but I will fight to the death your right to be wrong." And since Mr. Trump announced that he was running for the office of President I have heard some of the most ridiculous statements come out of the mouths of his supporters, especially as it applies to this individual's legal woes. I cannot call this person a man, this is someone who has faked his way through life to get what he wants. However, he only gets the same kind of fake love and support that he gives. The legitimate news media in his words are "fake news", the reason for this is because they speak truth to his perceived power. The only "news" outlets he considers "real" are those who spew his propaganda and outright lies! 

About 10 years ago I wrote an entry titled Wake Up America. This was a warning about the coming threat of blindly following the rants and raves of someone who even then was only in it for himself. Today they, and by they I mean his followers and wannabe Trumps call this being "woke". Now I am in no way saying that I was the first woke person, I was just one of many who decided to make our voices heard. Trying to put my explanation and opinion on what I believed then, and now, that there was a danger closer than many believed.

Having lived through these past almost 10 years, it scares me how narrow minded our leadership on the "Republican" side of the aisle has become, because they choose to be sheep who are blindly following an orange fraud. I continue to hope that they will finally see that they are only following an individual who will lead them to their own ruin. 

I served my country to ensure the rights of all to believe as they want. To love who they want. To live, within reason, how they want. To speak as they believe. To worship God in their own manner. To voice their opinions. To have the freedom to think freely. In fact, while I served this country, there were many things that are enjoyed by my fellow citizens that I was unable to do. I could not join others in speaking their minds, I wasn't allowed to voice my opinions. Did this bother me then, no it didn't. Why, because to speak my mind and voice opinions meant that I was possibly putting my wallet at risk. 

Despite popular opinion, soldiers do not make as much money as they deserve and should make. When a grown man or woman plays a game and earns millions while having an off season to enjoy, those who serve their nation, are on call 24 hours a day seven days a week and don't earn enough struggle to make ends meet. Where is their off season. Yeah we get 30 days a year off for "leave" we are still subject to recall. These are not complaints, although admittedly they sound like it, they are simple statements of fact. 

I have the utmost respect for people like Pat Tillman who left the comfortable life the NFL provided to serve his country after 9/11. The fact that there are still those who do not either understand or respect those who love their country so much that they willingly (now) sign up to defend the rights of others still worries me. No, America is not perfect, not everyone is treated equally. Colin Kaepernick who took a knee for his beliefs lost his future because he used his platform to call attention to the inequality of the "races". Tim Tebow, who took a knee to pray to God is no longer playing football because of the courage of his convictions. The one person that I know of who made a stand for equality after the death of George Floyd and who still maintains his place in Nascar is Bubba Wallace. When he stood up to the hatred blacks have faced for centuries in this country people finally started to open their eyes to the inequality. I wish there were more people who were this real and unafraid to take a public stand for legitimate causes, instead of the mistaken belief that their dear leader is being persecuted.

So, for as for me faking anything does not work. I have warned people who want to ask me a question that they may not like the answer so be careful. I am more real than some people can cope with and my opinions often cause people to have hurt feelings. Well to those whose feelings get hurt by my answers I have this to say, If I hurt your feelings then you don't want to hear truth. I do not now nor will I ever apologize for speaking my mind, especially when asked to do so.

Food for thought, that is if you are hungry enough. Peace

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