Thursday, May 23, 2024

Are we living in a country that has wasted the years of its existence?

 Vain and aspiring men!

Samuel Adams once quipped "If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin." Well ladies and gentlemen the time we were warned about has arrived. You need look no farther than a court room in New York City to see the evidence of this. Donald J. Trump is on trial for covering up payments to an adult film actress in order to hide this information of our nation in order to gain the office of president.

Over the past few weeks we have seen a vast parade of lackeys profess their love and allegiance to their dear leader by making the same statements, almost verbatim, that were made by Mr. Trump prior to the issuance of a well deserved gag order by the judge who is overseeing this case. I will not give voice to these ridiculous and to say the least ignorant statements here because all you need to do is watch a news network or propaganda network to hear them sound off during the breaks in the court which allow them the time to rush to the bank of microphones outside the courthouse. Meanwhile each of them has a job to do in our nation's capital  which is some 238 miles away.

The patriots referred to by Mr. Adams some 250 years are not the ones who are blindly following the leadership of a clown, rather, they are the ones who bravely stepped up signed their names and raised their right hands and swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies both foreign and domestic. Now, since this country is a nation where the rule of law is honored by most of it's citizens this simply means that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, that includes former presidents, members of both houses of congress, and even the members of the Supreme court.

Sadly it appears that the highest court in the land has forgotten this fact. Case in point, the decision they made to take on Mr. Trump's bogus claim of absolute immunity for his "alleged" criminal acts as it pertains to the 6 January 2021 insurrection, and his illegal retention of classified documents despite the fact that these same documents are the property of the people of the United States of America, not to mention his actions taken to obstruct any government actions to regain control and possession of these same documents. 

I was only a junior member of the military machine but even I knew that any documents I came into the proximity of were not to be removed from their place of storage unless or until they were needed for the soldiers out processing either out of the unit for travel to his or her next place of duty, or after deciding not to re-enlist and they are sent to a secure records storage facility.

So the question it would seem has become: What happens if the Supreme court gets their answer to the question before them wrong? The only answer seems to be that despite the rule of law there will be at least one person who is indeed above the law, and that person will be Donald J. Trump. I am by no means a legal scholar but, even Richard Nixon knew that in order to escape criminal charges he needed to accept the pardon offered by his hand picked successor Gerald Ford. This in my opinion was perhaps the dumbest decision ever made by the president. The lawyers who were defending the actions of then President Trump admitted in front of the Senate during the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump that he could be arrested and tried for criminal activities committed during the waning days of his term in office,

To be continued


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